Hydrotrix Gardner
Hydrothrix Gardner or Brazilian Water Hair (colloquial name), scientific name Hydrothrix gardneri. It comes from the tropical part of South America, grows mainly in the eastern states of Brazil in warm stagnant or slowly flowing reservoirs. It is an annual plant. Every year, with the onset of the dry season, it withers with the simultaneous formation of seeds that sink to the bottom, germinating with the arrival of rains. The short duration of active growth predetermined the low distribution of this species in home aquaria.
The plant forms upright strong stems. The leaves are thin, filiform, 2–4 cm long, dark green in color. It grows exclusively under water, in this position closed flower buds are formed in the internodes of the leaves. Upon reaching the surface, the flowers bloom. Hydrotrix Gardner self-pollinates, even if the flowers do not open, in the closed position they will still produce fruits 3.5 mm in size with 18–40 seeds. The fruits fall to the bottom. In the aquarium, they can germinate again if they are not removed from the substrate. They are also sold in the form of seeds and rarely sprouts. As well as other stem plants, it can be pruned. New sprouts will appear at the cut site.
Favorable growth conditions are achieved in warm, soft, slightly acidic water with intense lighting. Nutritious aquarium soil is needed, as well as the introduction of carbon dioxide. If the plant is in an unsuitable environment, then its leaves become curved, wavy.