Types of Aquarium Plants


Hydrotrich, scientific name Hydrotriche hottoniiflora. This fully aquatic herbaceous plant is endemic to the island of Madagascar. It grows in stagnant bodies of water, such as lakes, swamps, backwaters of rivers.


In favorable conditions, it forms erect, non-branching stems up to 70 cm in height, which are framed by light green thin, needle-like leaves, 10–20 on each whorl. Upon reaching the surface, a massive arrow appears (up to 15 cm) with a miniature yellow-white flower. A single plant looks less impressive than a group of 4-5 sprouts. You can add volume by trimming. New shoots grow at the cut point. Lateral shoots also appear at the base of the mother plant.

Makes rather high demands on the conditions for growth. Prefers soft, slightly acidic water, although it can tolerate elevated pH and dGH values ​​for a short time. The substrate is key. It is necessary to use specialized aquarium fine-grained soil rich in nutrients. Additional introduction of carbon dioxide and bright lighting will serve as a stimulus for growth.

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