How to wean a domestic rat from biting: instructions

How to wean a domestic rat from biting: instructions

How to wean a domestic rat from biting: instructions

A decorative rat is a peaceful creature not prone to aggression. Single incidents always have good reasons. Before figuring out how to wean a rat from biting, you need to understand the reasons for the pet’s behavior.

An inappropriate reaction can ruin the relationship with the animal. Slaps, punches on the nose, and other corporal punishment are unacceptable. The rat will perceive them as a threat. She will not understand the connection between her act and the response of the owner.

Why does a rat bite

Living with a human does not eliminate the genetic characteristics of the species. Rodents in their natural habitat make extensive use of biting for communication.

A rat can hurt unconsciously, showing sympathy in the way it is used to.

Human skin is not protected by hair and is sensitive, so the natural peaceful habits of the animal can be painful. To understand the reason, you need to take into account the physical and emotional state of the animal, character and circumstances.

How to wean a domestic rat from biting: instructions

Bite Meanings:

  • manifestation of interest – light tingling of teeth;
  • the desire to caress – biting, similar to grooming a comrade-in-arms;
  • an attempt to show who is the boss in the house – rats use aggressive grooming in the natural environment to indicate their dominant position;
  • attracting attention – a sudden single tangible bite, the pet came up by itself;
  • an invitation to the game – after a bite, the animal runs away, looks around, returns again;
  • warning – a sharp bite in response to your actions, it may hurt the tailed one;
  • a sign of fear – the animal is alarmed, rushing about or trying to hide, breathing inconsistently.

If the character of the pet has changed, he began to bite more often, avoid communication and hands – the cause may be physiological processes. In order not to develop a habit, it is better to wait out a difficult period and not provoke the animal.

Puberty in rats occurs at 5-7 months. The body is being rebuilt, the hormonal background is changing. It is at this age that males begin to defend their place in the team and territory. Biting, hissing, snorting, hermitism during this period is a natural stage of growing up.

In females, changes in behavior can often be observed during pregnancy and caring for offspring. The instincts of the expectant mother become aggravated, sensitivity increases. Careless movement can cause pain to the pet, or cause anxiety, even if he was not embarrassed by the same actions before. The female protects the offspring from the slightest threat, so she can bite her hand hard if she is too close to the rat pups.

How to stop a rat from biting

A decorative rat can grow up biting if it was treated roughly or not paid attention at all in childhood. To avoid reinforcing negative patterns, the rat breeder needs to act consciously and delicately.

Prevention of aggression:

  • The rodent should spend the first days in a new house at rest – it needs time to adapt;
  • treats and fingers cannot be pushed through the bars of the cage, there is a door for this;
  • it is advisable to devote time daily to playing with the animal;
  • increased noise levels can cause anxiety in a pet, the house should be equipped away from sound sources;
  • A rat is not allowed to be trained to cause pain.

Unreasonable attempts to bite a tamed rodent must be firmly suppressed. If the rat started playing and did not calculate the strength, it is enough to drive it away from itself. The animal will quickly realize that such behavior does not dispose the owner to contact.

How to wean a domestic rat from biting: instructions

Experienced rat breeders actively use a spray gun to correct their pet’s behavior. If you try to bite, you should immediately sprinkle the bully with water.

Between themselves, the rats indicate their dominance by turning the opponent on his back and holding him in that position. The method can be used for training, but with caution. The animal will break out, bite, and if you miss it, it will consider itself the master of the position and territory.

What to do if a domestic rat has bitten to blood

The long and thin teeth of a rodent leave a deep wound, in which the edges quickly heal. Because of this, the blood does not have time to wash out the microbes that have got inside. This increases the likelihood of inflammation and complications.

If bitten by a domestic rat, a visit to the hospital is optional. To prevent unpleasant consequences, blood must be squeezed out of the wound. After that, carefully treat with hydrogen peroxide, or another antiseptic. The victim should pay increased attention to their health for two to three days.

Symptoms that require a visit to the doctor:

  • severe inflammation of the wound;
  • muscle pain, or headache;
  • elevated temperature.

The bite of a domestic rat does not threaten with dangerous diseases when the pet is vaccinated and kept in appropriate conditions. You can do without calling a doctor and visiting the hospital if the victim has no alarming symptoms.

What to do if a decorative rat bites

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