How to wean a dog to jump on passing people?
A dog that jumps on people is not such a funny phenomenon as it might seem at first glance. Especially when it is not a miniature animal, but a pet of medium or large size. An animal can scare or even accidentally injure a child or adult on the street, and the owner will be to blame. That is why the fight against bad pet habits must be started as soon as you notice them.
Why does a dog jump on people?
Most often, the dog jumps on the owner when they meet. Thus, she welcomes a person, lets him know that she is bored. This bad habit begins in childhood. In the event that the owner missed or ignored this moment, most likely, and in adulthood the dog will jump on others, it will simply be unable to cope with emotions.
How to wean a dog from jumping on people?
It is worth starting dog education as early as possible: even a three- and four-month-old puppy is able to understand what you want from him. But, raising a puppy, you should not use physical force. It is important to gently and unobtrusively let him know what exactly cannot be done. Follow these simple tips:
As soon as you get home, the puppy will probably try to lean on you with its front paws or jump. It is important to prevent this. Get down on your knees, let the dog sniff or even lick you. Pet the puppy, sit him down and praise;
An older puppy can be taken aside and seated nearby, preventing attempts to jump on the owner.
If you are experiencing behavior problems with your teenage dog, you can also try the following method. As soon as the pet tries to jump on you, clearly command “Fu!” and lift your knee to your chest. The dog will not be able to lean on and will rest on the leg. It is important to show confidence in your actions and be persistent; this movement should be repeated every time the pet will make another attempt to jump on you. Be patient, because adolescence is the most difficult to train.
It is also possible to wean an adult dog from jumping on people. For starters, you can try the same methods as in the case of raising a puppy. If they do not work, you can resort to more serious measures:
One of the most effective ways to educate an animal is to ignore it. When your dog tries to jump on you, turn your back on him. Keep turning away from your pet until he gets tired of it. Then give the command “Sit” or “Place”. After the dog completes it, greet him, stroke and praise him. As a rule, the dog understands his mistakes rather quickly;
Another way to influence the dog is a spray bottle with water. It can be used every time the animal tries to jump on you. The desired effect will soon be achieved, and the dog will stop jumping on you.
If, when meeting with friends or acquaintances, the dog happily tries to jump on them, this action can be stopped by a jerk of the leash. Please note: this is a rather harsh method of education, and it is not suitable for every pet.
It is important that all family members are engaged in the correction of the behavior of the pet. Otherwise, a strange situation will result, which will only confuse the dog: you are trying to wean it from jumping on people, and household members not only do not support you, but, on the contrary, encourage such behavior. It is worth discussing the rules with the household and asking everyone to follow them.