How to wean a dog from jumping on the bed
Care and Maintenance

How to wean a dog from jumping on the bed

They say that over time, owners become like their dogs. Or maybe it’s the other way around, and it’s the dogs that start to resemble us? What do you think? Some pets adopt our behavior with enviable persistence. For example, they prefer to sleep on the bed, and everything is as it should be: head on the pillow. But not every owner likes to share a blanket with a dog. Let’s figure out how to wean a dog to jump on the bed.

  • Do not train your dog to bed. From the first days of the appearance of the dog in the house, accustom it to the couch and do not take it with you to the bed. If today you decide to “spoil” a little puppy a little and give him a place on your pillow, then later the grown-up dog will sincerely not understand why you are unhappy. The most effective way to wean a dog from jumping on a bed or other furniture is not to initially accustom it to this.

  • Get a soft and comfortable bed. Offer your pet a worthy alternative to a bed – a couch on which it will be warm and comfortable. It should be made of good material and fit the dog in size and shape. It is important to arrange a place for the dog in a quiet part of the apartment, with low traffic, without drafts, away from radiators. Some dogs try to sleep closer to the owner. In this case, place the bed next to the bed. Reward your dog when you see him lying where he is. You can read more in detail.

  • Distract your dog with toys and treats. To divert your pet’s attention from the owner’s bed, offer him special toys and hard treats. For greater effect, place them directly on the couch. In this way, the dog will develop pleasant associations with his place, and he will get used to it.

  • Put your item on the bed. Another plus to the pleasant associations with the couch. Many dogs jump on the bed, not because they are comfortable there, but because they miss their owners, and the bed retains their smell. If your pet is often left alone, put your T-shirt on his bed. So a faithful four-legged friend will be less lonely in your absence.

How to wean a dog from jumping on the bed
  • Teach your dog the “No!” command. Keep an eye on your dog while the problem is being corrected. When you see that the dog is about to jump onto the bed, clearly state its name and command “Must not“. If the pet does not respond well to voice commands, distract him with an additional sound (by clicking his tongue, for example) or prevent him from climbing onto the bed by blocking the path with your hand. Your main goal at this stage is to get the dog’s attention and prevent him from jumping onto the bed. Reward your dog when he settles down to sleep elsewhere. 

  • Limit access to the bed. Perhaps the most effective way to keep your dog from jumping on the bed is to make the bed inaccessible. While you are not in the bedroom, you can close the door there or protect the bed by turning the aviary into a line. The bottom line is that the pet, not having the temptation to jump on the bed, after a while will completely forget about it. If the dog bed is in the bedroom, take it out of the room for the duration of your departure or purchase another one. Put an extra place for the dog where he spends time during the day.

  • Cause unpleasant associations with the bed. Above, we said how important it is to instill pleasant associations with the bed in the dog. The same thing, only in reverse, can be done with your bed. The pet must make sure that the master’s bed is not very comfortable. What to do for this? For example, put a sheet of plywood on the bed. After making sure several times that the owner’s bed is hard, the dog will soon leave his idea, and there will no longer be a need for such a design.

We hope our recommendations will help you in raising a household. Try it and share your feedback in the comments on the site or in social networks. Also love your pets. Despite the gaps in behavior, they deserve it!

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