How to trim a ferret’s nails?
In nature, ferrets live in burrows, which they diligently dig with their strong paws and sharp claws. When arranging a home, as well as in the process of constant friction on the ground when walking, the claws grind off naturally. But domestic ferrets do not need to break through passages, and their paws are in contact only with furniture and laminate. Without grinding properly, they grow back a lot. Long claws interfere with walking, get tangled and break (often bloody), so they need to be shortened periodically. Read our article on how to properly cut your ferret’s nails.
A veterinary specialist can quickly and efficiently make a “manicure” for a ferret. Owners who do not have the ability or desire to send their pet for a regular procedure may well master it themselves.
1. To cut the nails of a ferret, you will need a special nail cutter. It is better to buy it at the pet store. Nippers, manicure (or any other) scissors are not suitable for these purposes. Using them, you can damage the claw and cause delamination.
What to do if the claw is broken? When the blood vessels are not affected, it is enough to cut the claw at the broken point and, if necessary, sharpen it a little. But if the pulp is affected and there is blood, it is better to take the pet to a veterinarian. He will remove the broken part, treat the wound and stop the bleeding.
2. Fix the ferret. If the pet is not accustomed to hygiene procedures, call for help from a friend. Ask him to hold the ferret by the withers with one hand and by the stomach with the other. Different owners have their own tricks on how to keep a dodgy animal. For example, wait until he falls asleep soundly or divert attention with a treat – and quickly process the paws in turn.
Ferrets need to trim their nails about once a month.
3. Take the ferret’s paw and gently press down on the pads to expose the claws.
4. Gently trim the nails one by one without touching the blood vessels (pulp). You can shorten only the “dead part of the claw.
If you still touched the vessel and blood began to flow, treat the wound with chlorhexidine and press it with a clean gauze swab. Alternatively, you can use a special hemostatic powder from a human first aid kit.
5. After finishing the procedure, be sure to treat the ferret with a treat, he deserves it!