How to train a hamster at home, is it possible to teach tricks and teams of jungars and Syrians
They train not only dogs and cats, but also hamsters. Rodents lend themselves well to this process, you just need to figure out how to train a hamster at home. There is nothing difficult in this. To begin with, observe what the baby can do without training – clean the cage, build a nest, run in a wheel, etc. This will allow you to learn more about the life of a pet and understand what the training of a hamster is based on.
Can a hamster be taught simple tricks?
Certainly yes. The main thing to remember is that training depends on the type of animal and the patience of the trainer. In the process of learning new tricks, hamsters should not be shouted at – an increase in tone will be regarded as a manifestation of aggression, and not as a remark.
When asked whether it is possible to train a hamster, the answer will be positive, but you should not demand a lot from the animal, for example, give a paw, bring toys, because he is just a small hamster. You can only count on the fact that, as a result of repeated training, the pet will know its name, begin to recognize you as its owner, and climb onto the palm of your hand. Expecting more from the crumbs and tormenting the poor animal with endless difficult workouts is not worth it. This does not mean that the hamster is stupid, just that he is unable to jump above his intellect.
We train correctly
If you decide to train your hamster, do it right. In order for training to give results, and you can demonstrate the skills of a rodent to others, understand the simple rules:
- Training of hamsters begins no earlier than two weeks of age and lasts up to 2,5 months. During this period, the baby absorbs everything like a sponge and is distinguished by curiosity;
- If you start training a Dzungarian or a Syrian later, this will not bring results, because the baby will have to change habits;
- You can only deal with a healthy hamster that is active. During the period of illness, mating or pregnancy, rodents are not up to your tricks and performances, so leave them alone;
- Exercise with your pet in the evenings, since this is the time of their activity, they perceive information well;
- Train your baby on a moderately full stomach, because hunger is not the best stimulant. Hands should be clean so that foreign odors do not distract the baby from classes. What kind of classes are there if the finger smells so delicious of sausage!
Where to start training?
Not every breeder knows how to teach a hamster commands. There is nothing difficult in this if you do everything in stages. You need to start training with establishing contact between the animal and the owner. The kid should willingly approach you, and not hide in the corner of the cage. They love their master not trained hamsters, but tamed ones, so training must begin with taming.
Important: you can start learning tricks only when the animal is not afraid of you and willingly goes to the handles.
Simple tricks that a rodent can master
The intelligence of a hamster allows him to master such a simple trick as knowing his nickname. This is a very useful skill, especially if the baby is lost. Teaching a hamster to respond to a nickname is both difficult and simple. The name should be short and easy so that the baby remembers it faster. The difficulty lies in remembering to repeat the name of the hamster every time you feed it, stroke it, and address it.
I wonder: do hamsters understand their name? Yes, they understand if you repeat it regularly.
It is unacceptable to scream, even if the baby does not react – he hears you perfectly, and the cry will only scare the animal. At the initial stage, pronounce the nickname every time you offer the baby a treat – he will develop a persistent reflex. Over time, he will begin to respond in order to approach the owner for a treat.
Some owners claim that a trained hamster is able to carry out the simplest commands: “sleep”, “walk”, “eat”. But this is only possible if you come across a very gifted and intelligent hamster, and you have a natural talent as a trainer.
But the usual “average” rodent can be trained to run in a circle. To do this, you need to pick up a tasty treat and slowly move your hand in a circle a few centimeters from the pet’s nose. The kid will run in circles to reach the treat. It is important not to tire the animal, a few circles are enough.
Remember: if the baby is full, the treat may not arouse his due interest.
Now you know how to teach your hamster tricks. It is not difficult, the main thing is not to overdo it and not discourage the child from learning new things.
What can you teach a hamster besides knowing his name and running in circles? Teach him the “stand” command. To do this, you need to hold a treat over the head of the crumbs and wait until he stands on his hind legs. At the same time, repeat “stand” and treat you with a treat. Repeat this exercise regularly, praise your pet.
Teaching more complex commands
If you don’t know if hamsters are trainable, it’s safe to say yes. A hamster can be taught the “fu” command. It is difficult to do this, but it is possible: praise the hamster every time, and if the baby is disobedient or wants to eat something that is not allowed, clearly say “fu”! Here the main thing is systematic and consistency.
So, what can a hamster do – your pet? Stand, respond to the nickname, run in circles. It remains to teach him to jump. To do this, lift the yummy up and repeat “Jump”. Repeat the exercise every day and each time encourage the efforts of the crumbs.
An interesting team is sitting on the shoulder of the owner. How to train a Syrian and Dzungarian hamster so that he climbs onto his shoulder without any problems and sits there for a while:
- seat the baby on your shoulder, so that it is comfortable for him, be sure to hold it with your hand;
- put your favorite treat on your shoulder;
- homa will sit on his shoulder and eat;
- repeat the exercise regularly. The day will come when he will sit quietly on his shoulder without any treats.
If you see that the baby is not comfortable, he tosses and turns and wants to get away as soon as possible, try another time.
Whether hamsters understand people, no one knows for sure, but since they can be taught commands, we conclude that they understand. If you try, the baby can be taught the “find” command. To do this, put a treat in the maze, do it in front of the animal. Then let the baby into the maze, saying “find”. An important condition for the exercise is that the hamster must see how you hid the treat.
Now you know how to train a Djungarian hamster and its Syrian relative – the process is about the same. Remember to always reward your rodent for effort. Before you know it, your decorative hamster will learn new knowledge and delight you. The main thing is to deal with it systematically.
All hamster owners would like to wish their pets to be healthy and even the wildest hamster to become tame and trained. This suggests that contact has been established and friendship has been established.
How to train a hamster
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