How to train a dog to wear shoes
Sometimes wearing shoes by a dog is not a whim of the owners, but a necessity. For example, if a dog’s paws are very cold in winter or it is necessary to protect them from reagents. But most dogs are quite reluctant to wear boots. How to train a dog to shoes?
You can teach shoes not only to a puppy, but also to an adult dog. The main thing is to be patient and act consistently and gradually. And get down to business long before it becomes necessary to put shoes on your four-legged friend. If you expect to just put shoes on your dog and take him for a walk, you will be disappointed.
- Show your dog the shoe and reward him. Do this until your pet develops a positive association with the shoes.
- Lightly touch the boot to the dog’s leg and encourage, remove the boot. Do this several times.
- Raise the dog’s paw, touch it with a boot, encourage, remove the boot. Repeat until the pet reacts completely calmly.
- Put the shoe on the paw, encourage and immediately take it off. Repeat as much as necessary.
- Put the boot on the paw, fasten it loosely, encourage and immediately take it off. Repeat as much as necessary.
Do steps two through five with each leg of the dog.
It is important that the dog does not try to walk. If she slips or takes off her shoes, it will complicate the training process.
- Try to put on shoes on two paws at once. Then four. Reinforce your dog constantly. She must remain calm during this procedure.
- Gradually fasten the boots tighter, constantly reinforcing the dog.
- Ask your dog to walk around the house in shoes. Encourage constantly. Remove shoes before the dog starts to show obvious discomfort and tries to get rid of it. Gradually increase the time you spend in the shoes and give the treat less and less frequently. It is important that the floor is not slippery. It is advisable to walk on carpet.
- Start going outside in shoes – at first for a short time, then increase the time more and more. Don’t forget about promotions!
Sometimes it takes several weeks to accustom a dog to shoes. Do not hurry! Proceed to the next step only when the dog feels perfectly calm on the previous one.
And rewards with a favorite treat, and later with a game, will help the dog come to terms with wearing shoes.