How to tame a guinea pig?
Guinea pigs are very friendly rodents. But they do not become so immediately: it is important to properly handle the pet so that it is not afraid of you. In our article we will tell you how to tame a guinea pig.
1. Choose a suitable cage.
We buy a cage with side doors and a ramp. Such models are very convenient for taming and walking. You just open the door and the pig leaves the cage by itself. To get a rodent out of the shelter by force is undesirable, because. he will associate the hand with a threat and start to fear you.
2. Stock up on treats.
For taming, you will need special treats for rodents. You can buy them at any pet store. With them you will lure the pet into the palm of your hand.
3. We give time to adapt.
In the first days of the appearance of the pig in a new house, try not to disturb her. A change of scenery is stressful for any animal. The pet will take time to get used to the new place and smells and understand that nothing threatens him.
Train your guinea pig to handle only after he is fully accustomed.
4. Let your pet get used to you.
Before you start taming, let the pig get used to you. Talk to her calmly, stay in the room more often and go to the cage so that the animal can see you. Don’t make any sudden movements that might startle him.
5. Open the door and lure the pet.
After the guinea pig is fully adapted, we proceed to taming. To do this, take a treat and place it on the palm of your hand. We open the cage door and put an open palm with a treat before leaving. We are waiting for the pig to independently leave the cage and climb into your palm.
If today she is careful and not in a hurry to do it, we try again the next day. And so on until the pig comes out. Don’t force her out of the cage. This will not lead to a strong friendship.
6. We tame gradually.
When the pig first climbs into your palm, let her calmly take the treat and go back to the cage. Do not immediately take it in your hands, stroke and lift it. First, she needs to get used to your palm.
When the pig learns to confidently come for a treat, you can begin to pet and pick it up. When lifting a pig sitting in the palm of your hand, hold it on top with your other hand. So you prevent a possible fall.
Over time, you will be able to train your pig to sit on your shoulder. The main thing is not to rush!
7. We praise and encourage.
Don’t forget to praise and encourage your pig. Talk to her affectionately and treat her with a treat (of course, observing the norm). Guinea pigs are very sensitive pets that will definitely respond to a kind attitude.
Strong friendship to you!