How to take birth in a dog?
Responsible owners start preparing for childbirth in advance. About a month or two weeks before this event, it is necessary to allocate a place in the apartment for the dog and its future puppies. The dog should get used to it so that at the most crucial moment it does not rush around the apartment and hide under the sofa.
Prepare a playpen for the dog and puppies
In the room you need to put a large box or wooden arena. It must be strong, because many animals, giving birth, rest their paws against the wall. You can make it yourself or to order – this playpen, if you have untied a bitch, you will probably need it more than once. Choose the material so that it is convenient to wash and disinfect. As for the dimensions of the arena, the dog should fit freely in it, stretching out its paws.
Closely monitor the condition of the animal
Expressed restlessness and rapid breathing indicate the onset of the first stage of labor – this means that the dog will begin to give birth in a maximum of 48 hours, more often up to 24 hours. 3-5 days before the onset of labor, changes in the behavior of the pet become very noticeable. At this time, it is necessary to arrange a house call with the veterinarian. This must be done even if you have ever witnessed or attended childbirth. You can never predict how the birth will go: easy or with complications. Dogs of dwarf and brachycephalic breeds (Pekingese, pugs, bulldogs, etc.) always need special help.
First aid kit for childbirth:
Ironed clean diapers, gauze bandages and cotton wool;
Iodine, green tea;
Hand sanitizer and gloves (several pairs);
Scissors with rounded ends and sterile silk thread (for processing the umbilical cord);
Pure oilcloth;
Separate box with bedding and heating pad for puppies;
Electronic scales, colored threads and a notepad.
What to do when puppies are born
In no case should you pull and try to help the dog give birth on your own. An inexperienced owner should trust the veterinarian and help him in every possible way.
Puppies after birth should be fed by moving them to the mother. As they are born, they must be removed in a warm box prepared in advance with a heating pad. This box should be kept in front of the dog so that he does not worry.
Each newborn puppy must be registered: write down the weight, sex, time of birth and distinguishing features in a notebook.
Depending on the number of puppies, childbirth can last from 3 hours (such are considered rapid) to a day. All this time, the owner, together with a veterinarian, must be near the dog. In the event of a non-standard situation, in no case should you raise your voice, panic or worry – your condition is transmitted to the dog. Strict control and following the recommendations of a specialist is the key to a successful and easy birth.
11 2017 June
Updated: July 6, 2018