How to stop a kitten from biting?
Usually events develop like this: the whole family chose a pet for a long time, a small pet is already at home, toys and houses are bought. And suddenly the cute kitten turns out to be a very biting and scratching tyrant. Why does a kitten bite and scratch? Confusion and a sigh: well, how can you not pamper your pet, it’s just by chance! The scratches on the hands left by the kitten are patiently endured, the bully even amuses with his courage. But the older the cat gets, the more problems this behavior causes.

Predatory cats love to bite and scratch, especially when they are playing or angry. For cats, this is a normal display of emotions, if this is not repeated constantly and if the animals do not recoup their owners. Moreover, if such games are reacted incorrectly, the “biters” hold a grudge and begin to take revenge. What to do if the cat bites? It is possible and necessary to wean a cat from biting: traces of claws and teeth are fraught with infection for a person. Therefore, the sooner education begins, the sooner the effect will appear.
Why does a kitten scratch and bite?
The question of what to do if the kitten bites and scratches is asked by both experienced cat lovers and those who first decided to have a pet. Before reacting to the cocky habits of a kitten, it is worth analyzing its behavior, the habits of family members, and possibly frequent guests. It happens that a cat bites hard, because it doesn’t feel well, and a depressed state often finds expression in aggression towards others. An aggressive reaction can be revenge for screaming and swearing. Cats love the quiet, calm atmosphere of the house. Scratching does not mean that someone in the family scolds the pet.
The kitten bites and gets angry even because someone makes noise in the apartment or people quarrel. Therefore, if the family speaks in raised tones, it is most likely that the loudest member of the family will be the object of the kitten’s aggression.
Cats are patient, but they are able to flare up and begin to gnaw, bite and scratch if they are not noticed. Therefore, when a kitten follows its owner with its tail, meows, looks into the eyes, asks for hands or offers to play, and then suddenly starts scratching, biting or gnawing hands, the owner must pay attention and at the same time make it clear to the pet that this is how to behave. it is forbidden.
Hunting is a common occurrence in the wild for felines. For example, consider the way tigers hunt in the wild. They track down, catch up, suddenly attack the victim, which can significantly exceed them in size and strength. Tightly clasping the victim with their front paws, they cling to the scruff of the neck with their teeth, and with their hind legs they inflict sharp and strong blows, knocking them down. Unlike their counterparts, domestic cats do not need to get food on their own. The owner takes care of the pet, gives food, changes the tray, provides the cat with everything necessary. But this is how the basic natural instincts of cats are suppressed, and this inevitably affects the behavior of the pet. A domestic cat bites, being carried away by the game, imitating hunting.
For example, it can track down a toy, rush at it, then carry the “prey” in its teeth for a long time, bite, roll with it and let it go again. Hunting habits cannot be destroyed. The owner should not stop the cat’s play activity with objects. But the instinct of hunting must be within certain limits and not concern family members. Jumping on the back of people from cabinets, playing with legs or arms is not allowed.

The natural need of the getter prompts the cat, hiding in a secluded place, to carefully observe the actions of a potential victim, and then suddenly rush at her, biting or scratching. Excessive excitement while playing with people is the most common reason why a kitten bites and scratches. Playing with legs or jumping on the shoulders of a kitten is initially amusing and tender. But later, when the pet grows up, the blows and bites will be very noticeable and can result in serious injuries. If this behavior is not stopped in time, it will become a rule and it will be extremely difficult to wean a pet. Moreover, even careful attempts to calm down will cause resentment and an active attack in response.
If the prey twitches and tries to run away, the cat rushes at it, becoming more reckless. If the cat bites, and the owner abruptly removes his legs or arms, the pet’s instinct kicks in, and he begins to rush at the owner with renewed vigor. Such a nuance of behavior must be taken into account when stopping the game. The owner must accept this trick without fear or anger, not to run away, not to move his legs, not to pull out his hands. The calm behavior of the victim will surprise the pet, as it neutralizes the hunting instinct.
However, such behavior cannot be left unpunished either.

One of the most common causes of animal aggression is the owner’s touching the “forbidden places” of the cat. For example, in the area of the tail or abdomen, although it is easier to say where the cat allows itself to be stroked. The tail or belly are constantly vulnerable places, and the understanding of danger has been fixed for many centuries at the level of instincts. Sudden aggression in response to being touched is a normal pet reflex reaction. Over time, the cat can begin to trust, will substitute the stomach. But even in those moments, one should expect light blows with “soft” paws.
Veterinarians name several main causes of pet irritation:
- cat disease, due to which it is aggressive. The owner should pay attention to the presence of symptoms such as loss of appetite, pain when touched, impaired urination or the appearance of discharge;
- The change of teeth in kittens lasts a short period. At this time, the kitten becomes especially biting. It is worth buying toys or treats that can be chewed for a long time;
- fatigue in a cat is manifested in the fact that she is naughty, does not want to be touched. With bites, the cat makes it clear that it is not the time to stroke or pick up;
- hormonal changes always affect the mood of cats, increasing irritability. The most common factors are pregnancy or lactation. Sometimes suddenly appeared aggression indicates that the cat is pregnant.

If the reason for biting behavior lies in the well-being of the pet, then scolding him is pointless. You need to take the animal to the veterinarian, who will examine and identify the real cause of irritability.
Behavioral reasons
Cats and cats are mysterious and wayward creatures, sometimes so contradictory that it is not easy to understand their motivation. There are no universal recipes for how to wean kittens from biting and scratching from childhood. These are such individual manifestations that we can talk about general recommendations: what is welcomed and what should not be allowed.
At first glance, an aggressive Briton may in fact only be deprived of a sense of security. Sensing danger, the pet hisses, arches its back and tail, and, as a rule, runs away and hides. But if he has nowhere to run or he is inflamed by his own fear, then you can expect an attack. The causes of fright can be very different: for example, a sharp sound, smell, movement. The behavior of another pet or a stranger can provoke sudden aggression. Aggression in cats is part of the adaptation. So, most cats are extremely painful to endure any move and unfamiliar surroundings. Even rearranging the furniture in the apartment can greatly annoy the pet. The cat should just be left alone and given time to get to know the new environment; soon the understanding will come that the changes are not dangerous and do not pose a threat.
Competition is also noted among the common causes of aggression in cats. The reason for the nervous state may be local cats that walk along the ledge or walk under the windows. Unable to drive away strangers, the cat begins to bite and may even attack nearby family members. The way out is to close the pet’s access to the windowsill. But if the reason is another pet living at home, then the task becomes more complicated. The territory becomes a battlefield, and goes to both people and cats.

The cat scratches due to the lack of personal space. If the pet does not have its own corner, where he feels safe, he may become stressed and rush. But also a cat can protect its territory: the part of the apartment that it considers its own can be protected from family members. If someone tries to force the cat out of its favorite place, the response will be aggression: defending itself, the cat scratches.
Protection is more often caused by parenting mistakes, when the kitten was allowed to feel like the center of the house, and unacceptable behavior was encouraged by family members. Mistakes in upbringing are a common factor that makes it difficult to wean a kitten from scratching and biting. The mother cat stops the ugly behavior of the kittens. When a kitten is taken away from its mother too early, the owner takes care of the upbringing. In fact, the opposite happens: in the family they pamper the baby, allowing them to dominate, bully. As a result, the kitten bites and attacks all the time. It is becoming more and more difficult to wean attack, bite and scratch. The case can go so far that the help of a zoopsychologist is required.
Aggressive behavior in some breeds, such as the British, is inherited. There is an expression “a Scottish character in a cat.” Sometimes it’s scary to stroke such a handsome man! Breeders cull individuals with increased aggressiveness. If a kitten is picked up on the street, its behavior is unpredictable. The kitten can bite, hiss, be afraid, hide. Or it may turn out to be affectionate and grateful for comfort and food.

The most difficult group of reasons to resolve is aggressive behavior associated with the psychological characteristics of a particular cat or cat. This is expressed in the manifestation of strong dominance, revenge, constant night activity. The reasons may be the specificity of the breed, and the psychological trauma of the pet with poor breeding.
How to stop a kitten from biting?
You can raise a kitten if you build a technique on a calm, good-natured, but timely reaction to inadmissible antics. It will take patience and time. Hitting a kitten, throwing objects at it, yelling at a kitten is strictly prohibited. This will only exacerbate the difficult situation.
If you notice an attempt to scratch, bite your hands or feet, it is recommended to take the kitten by the scruff and pull it to the side. Always, if a kitten bites, behaves as it pleases, starts suddenly throwing, the owner is encouraged to use this effective method. If the first option does not help, you can immobilize the “biter” by slightly pressing it to the floor. Animals really do not like dependent postures, as they feel helpless.
It is recommended to lightly pat the scruff of the neck, repeating the method of punishment used by the mother cat for kittens. At the same time, each time in a calm voice it is necessary to pronounce the forbidding word – for example, “no”. It is worth allocating time for games so that the kitten spends energy without injuring family members, it is worth buying a slide with shelves, a variety of toys. When a kitten behaves well, it is necessary to reward it with treats or play, especially after it has stopped biting.

How to wean a kitten from scratching?
If the kitten bites and scratches in the game, the owner needs to deal with the situation and show the pet that this should not be done. There are two options. The first is based on the fact that cats do not like loud and unexpected sounds. Therefore, if the kitten began to throw and scratch, you should try to clap your hands loudly. Over time, the pet will develop a reflex: if I release the claws, I will get an unpleasant sound. Another method is based on a response unpleasant sensation in the form of splashing water. If, when trying to scratch on a kitten, lightly spray from a spray bottle, the effect will be lightning fast. In addition to these options, you can try smearing the attack sites with strong-smelling products, such as essential oils or lemon zest. Cats do not tolerate strong odors, so the desire to attack and scratch disappears.

Methods for adult cats and cats
Zoopsychologists practice an integrated approach. Remove annoying factors for cats, create a comfort zone. Don’t tease the cat. Avoid sudden movements and sounds in the presence of a cat, so that her instinct of the hunter does not turn on.
It is easier to educate if the rules include conditional punishments. For example, to punish for each bite. So the cat will develop an association: a bite is a punishment. If one bite is followed by punishment, and the other goes unnoticed, the cat will continue to misbehave. As a punishment, use a sharp sound, water. There should be a minimum gap between punishment and misconduct. The cat or cat will develop a connection between the bite and an instant sharp pop or spray with water from a spray bottle. If the British cat tried to bite, you should immediately spray it, loudly adding: “You can’t.”

What absolutely can not be done in the process of education?
In the process of education, it is strictly forbidden to humiliate, lock, laugh at a pet, scream and punish physically. A kind word is also pleasant for a cat – a pet, even the most characteristic one, feels when they are treated with respect. Then he begins to respect the surrounding family members. Even a stubborn Scot can be weaned from biting if you take the animal seriously.
22 2020 June
Updated: January 13, 2021