How to stop a cat from scratching furniture?
Scratching furniture can pretty much spoil the interior and the nervous system of the owners. Why do our pets do this and how to wean a cat from scratching furniture?In the photo: the cat scratches the furniture
Why does a cat scratch furniture?
A cat can scratch furniture for two reasons:
- She needs to sharpen her claws.
- This is how cats mark their territory.
However, no matter what motives our fluffy and clawed friend is guided by, this does not make it easier for the owners. Scratching furniture is one of the reasons why cats are abandoned, and even if she remains in the family, this does not contribute to a warm attitude towards fluffy.
How to stop a cat from scratching furniture?
Many decide on drastic measures to combat furniture scratching – to remove the claws. This procedure is prohibited in many countries of the world, but, unfortunately, not here. The operation to remove the claws is very painful, as well as the rehabilitation period, since not only the claw is removed, but also the first phalanx of the fingers. Therefore, we cannot recommend this method of dealing with furniture scratching. Moreover, there are also humane ways to wean a cat from scratching furniture. It is impossible to force a cat not to sharpen its claws, but you can teach it to do this in specially designated places. There are a huge number of scratching posts on sale. Offer your cat several options to choose from to see which one she likes. Once you’ve made your choice, place a few of your chosen scratching posts around the perimeter of the house, but be sure to secure them firmly so they don’t fall off and frighten your cat. To attract the attention of a cat, you can treat the scratching post with catnip, hang your favorite purr toy on it. You can also use cat-attracting sprays, which are sold in pet stores. Place the scratching post near the cat’s bed. These animals love to stretch their paws after sleeping. Every time the cat uses the scratching post for its intended purpose, praise it. Protect access to those things that the cat has scratched before. These are temporary measures until your pet is fully accustomed to the scratching post. You can also use repellent sprays or cover scratches with double-sided tape or foil. When you catch a cat scratching, simply distract it.
In no case do not punish the cat physically! Physical punishment will not lead to anything good, the effect of them is only negative.
You also need to trim your cat’s nails regularly.
What should never be done when weaning a cat to scratch furniture?
- Do not force the cat to come to the scratching post and do not force it near the scratching post.
- Do not throw away your favorite scratching post that has become unusable.
In the photo: Cat scratching post«