How to remove fleas from a cat?
Parasites can start in any cat: it doesn’t matter if she walks on the street or not. read the previous article. What to do if you can’t protect your pet from infection? How to rid a cat of fleas?
Fleas in a cat: symptoms
Not to notice fleas in a cat is difficult. Infection is asymptomatic only in the first days. But fleas multiply quickly and cause more and more anxiety for the cat. The pet begins to itch, often licks its hair, “bites” it in an attempt to catch the tormentors. Bites and scratches appear on the skin, as well as black “grains” – flea excrement. And, of course, direct confirmation is the parasites themselves. You can see them on a pet or even somewhere in an apartment.
If your cat is bothered by itching, but no traces of parasites are found, contact your veterinarian. Most likely, the pet has a dermatological disease.
Are fleas dangerous for cats?
Fleas are potential carriers of dangerous diseases and helminth eggs. The wounds left from their bites become the gateway for the penetration of infections. If there are a lot of fleas, anemia can even begin in a kitten or a weakened cat. In addition, severe dermatitis occurs in pets due to infection.
In addition to the above, fleas cause great discomfort to the cat. She itches all the time, it hurts. The body experiences stress and weakens. The sooner you start pest control, the better.
How to remove fleas from a domestic cat? 5 steps.
Getting rid of fleas from a cat at home is easy. The main thing is to choose high-quality funds.
If the cat is dirty, the first thing to do is bathe it. If not, go straight to flea treatment.
1. We bathe the cat.
Wash your pet with a special anti-parasitic shampoo. It should suit your cat. Carefully read the purpose and follow the instructions for use, otherwise there will be no effect.
Anti-flea shampoos help to destroy some of the parasites, but, unfortunately, they do not guarantee a 100% effect and do not provide further protection. After washing, a more serious treatment is carried out, which gives a lasting effect.
Flea treatment is carried out 48 hours before bathing or 48 hours after it!
2. Flea treatment.
Treat your cat for fleas 2 days after bathing. There are a lot of means of protection: these are sprays, drops on the withers, pills, collars. Each of them has its own characteristics. Before buying, carefully read the description and instructions for use. Make sure the product is suitable for your pet.
Please note that collars provide protection against new fleas, but do not kill existing ones. The collar should be put on the cat after the parasites have been removed.
One of the most popular anti-flea remedies is drops at the withers. They are easy to use and the efficiency is very high. The cat will not be able to lick off the product, so it is completely safe. When applied, drops through the sebaceous glands are evenly distributed over the skin and coat of the animal, and the parasites that come into contact with it die.
It is important to correctly calculate the dosage of the drug. Determine the weight of the pet and follow the instructions.
Sprays can be used to treat not only a pet, but also its bed, furniture and carpets in the apartment. This will allow you to quickly destroy both adult parasites and their larvae. Tablets are especially convenient if the cat has sensitive skin or allergic reactions.
If you are in doubt about the choice of remedy, consult a veterinarian.
All cats and dogs in the house need to be treated for fleas!
3. We process the bed.
Adult parasites live on the pet, but their pupae and larvae live outside of it. For example, on a couch or other place where the cat is resting. To quickly cope with parasites, treat such places with a special spray. The bed can be washed or replaced.
4. We do deworming.
Fleas carry helminth eggs. Therefore, an animal infected with fleas is likely to become infected with helminths. As soon as you cope with external parasites and the cat gets stronger, move on to the fight against internal ones! Be sure to deworm your pet so that nothing threatens his health.
5. We process regularly.
The guarantee of protection against fleas is the regular use of a quality drug. Read how long the remedy you have chosen works. As soon as the protection period starts to expire, renew it.
Do not overdo it. In an attempt to protect a pet, many inexperienced owners begin to combine protective equipment: for example, they use both drops and a collar. It can be dangerous for the animal! As a rule, one drug is enough, besides, many drugs do not combine well with each other. Read the instructions carefully!
A cat that is regularly treated for fleas with an effective remedy can walk outside or interact with other animals without the risk of infection. However, do not lose vigilance and do not forget that in addition to fleas, there are other dangers.
Be careful and may your wards always be healthy!
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