How to properly wash a cat?
How often to wash?
If the cat does not participate in exhibitions, does not go out on the street, but mostly sits at home, it should be washed no more than once every three months. An exception may be parasites in the coat, heavy soiling or washing after cutting to get rid of small hairs.
Frequent washing of a cat, firstly, will deprive it of its own smell, which it will immediately begin to restore by licking the fur, and secondly, it will wash away the natural protective barrier – the fat that the subcutaneous glands produce.
It is important to know
After the operation, the animal cannot be bathed for 3–4 months without the permission of a veterinarian. Iodine, brilliant green, traces of a patch or ointment may spoil the appearance of a pet, but getting water into the wound is much more dangerous.
How to prepare a cat?
It is not recommended to wash your pet immediately after eating. The interval between the last meal and bathing should be at least 3-4 hours. In addition, cats have a good sense of the intentions of the owners and very accurately reveal their intentions. Do not go into the bathroom with your pet, rattle wash containers, turn on the water. To lull vigilance, it is better to hold him in your arms for several minutes and stroke him to calm him down.
How to prepare as a host?
Before bathing, you should prepare in advance all the necessary items so that they are at hand: shampoo, towels, a special comb, hair dryer. In extreme cases, a harness can come in handy: if the cat is large and restless, it can be tied to the mixer so that it does not jump out and run away. The pet should also prepare a warm place in advance, where he can comfortably settle down after washing.
What temperature to choose?
The optimal water temperature for bathing a cat is 34-39°C. If you use a shower, you should not use too much pressure, so as not to frighten the animal and hurt him. The bathroom should also be warm, at least 22 ° C: domestic cats are quite gentle, they can get cold and catch a cold.
What to wash?
Cats are not suitable for human shampoo, as they have a different acid-base balance of the skin. You need to choose a special tool that can be bought at specialized pet stores: spray, liquid or dry shampoo.
Shampoo is preferable: it will wash off the dirt and give the coat softness. If you need to wash the cat urgently, but there is no suitable shampoo, as an exception, you can use baby soap.
How to apply and rinse off shampoo?
Apply the product first on the back, then on the chest, front paws, stomach, tail. With smooth movements, the coat should be massaged well. The area behind the ears should be washed at the last moment. It is necessary to wash off the foam carefully, trying not to flood the ears and eyes – this can lead to unpleasant consequences and even inflammatory processes. If the cat is afraid of the sound of running water, you can pre-fill a separate basin with warm water to rinse the animal from the foam. The main thing is to make sure that the wool is well washed: after washing, the cat will begin to lick itself and may be poisoned.
How to dry?
After the procedure, the pet must be wrapped in a towel until it is saturated with excess moisture. If the cat allows, it can be dried with a hair dryer. Then you need to carefully comb out the hair with a special comb and make sure that the first hour after the procedure it is in a warm room.
11 2017 June
Updated: December 26, 2017
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