How to properly trim a cat’s nails?
Do cats need to trim their nails? If yes, how often and how to do it correctly? Let’s explore these questions together!
In the conditions of street living, the claws of cats are updated and sharpened in a natural way: while leaving territorial claw marks, climbing trees, moving on various types of soil and surfaces, overcoming long distances.
Pets generally move much less and often walk on softer surfaces, therefore, scratching posts alone for a “perfect manicure” are not enough. Strongly overgrown claws grow into the paw pads and cause the cat not only discomfort, but also severe pain. Having caught a claw on a fabric, a cat can injure itself not only the claws themselves, but also the paws. Kittens are especially vulnerable to this injury. Not only the cats themselves suffer from long claws, but also furniture, wallpaper in the apartment, and often the owners themselves. Therefore, the problem can and should be dealt with. The owners have to correct the situation with the help of special nail cutters and their own skills.
All cats are individual, and the rate of claw growth is no exception. Perhaps your cat needs a “manicure” once a week, and the neighbor’s – once every few weeks, and vice versa. It should also be remembered that the claws grow unevenly, those one claw on the paw may already be long and sharp, while others are still short. On the front paws, the claws are much sharper and grow faster than on the hind legs.
On average, it is recommended to adjust the length of the claws once every 3-4 weeks.
1. Arm yourself with a special tool. Ordinary nail scissors – even very good ones – are not suitable for this role. A cat’s claw is different in structure from a human nail. If you shorten it with nail scissors, it will begin to crumble and exfoliate. It is better to purchase a special tool that takes into account the anatomical structure of the cat’s claw, made of high-quality steel and has excellent sharpening for maximum efficiency.
These can be Show Tech nail cutters and guillotines (there are different sizes and shapes according to the size of the pet). For calm, groomed cats, the Moser grinder will do.
2. Provide good lighting for the area where you will cut your nails.
3. Pet your cat. Let her be relaxed and content. When carrying out the procedure, do not fuss, be calm and careful so that the cat feels your calmness and confidence.
4. Fix the cat in a position convenient for cutting the claws. You can do it yourself or call on assistants: it all depends on the temperament of your cat and its attitude to hygiene procedures. Some pets tolerate nail clipping quite calmly, others are enough to hold with one hand, others arrange a life-and-death battle, and several people can hardly cope with them. Be careful, watch your safety and the safety of your pet. If the cat breaks out, carefully wrap it in a towel or blanket so it doesn’t scratch or run away.
5. Gently press the cat’s paw pad to protrude the claw. Carefully trim each nail without touching the blood vessels (the pink area is clearly visible under the white plate of the nail). Trim the claw at a distance of at least 2 mm from the vessels. If the vessel is touched, bleeding will begin and the cat will experience severe discomfort.
If you still hit a blood vessel, treat the wound with chlorhexidine. Then clamp with a gauze pad to stop the bleeding, or apply a special hemostatic powder (such as Bio-Groom Sure Clot).
6. After completing the procedure, be sure to praise the cat and treat it to a treat. She deserved it!
- Scissors. Pet nail scissors should not be used, otherwise the claws will begin to break and exfoliate. However, the pet industry has its own analogue of our scissors – a compact nail clipper, which is very convenient to use for shortening the claws of kittens and small animals. These scissors allow you to carry out the procedure easily and gently.
- Nippers, or, as they are also called, large nail cutters (for example, Comfort Large Show Tech). This is a classic nail clipper for adult cats and dogs. It is better to choose a nail clipper with a limiter for a safe procedure and with a non-slip silicone handle for more comfort. The sharp cutting surface made of high-quality steel makes the procedure comfortable and painless for the pet.
- Guillotine nail cutter. This tool works on a different principle than scissors and wire cutters. During the procedure, the claw is placed in a special holding hole, then the groomer presses the handles and the tip of the claw is cut off with a blade. The result is a fast, even and clean cut. But the tool also has its drawback: due to the holding hole, it cannot be quickly removed from the claw, and this increases the risk of injury. Therefore, the guillotine is recommended to be used for calm pets accustomed to grooming.
- Grinder. This is the safest nail trimming tool, ideal for those who are afraid of hurting their pet. This is something like an electric file, like those used for hardware manicure in beauty salons. It is more convenient to use compact wireless grinders with different speeds and a set of nozzles (for example, Nail Grinder has 4 interchangeable polishing heads). This will allow you to customize the tool for a specific pet. The grinder is suitable for all pets: dogs, cats, ferrets, rodents and birds.
Try to create only pleasant associations with grooming for your pet: this will greatly facilitate the care of your pet.