How to properly brush a cat?
A kitten must be taught to comb from childhood, and this applies not only to representatives of long-haired breeds. Firstly, it is cleanliness in the house, secondly, it is a pleasure for a cat, and, finally, thirdly, it is a benefit not only for her skin and coat, but also for her stomach. The fact is that when licking a cat swallows most of the fallen hairs. Rolling down, they enter the digestive tract and stomach of the pet. This leads to a deterioration in well-being and health problems for the cat. Timely combing is a good measure to prevent this process.
How often to brush your pet
The change of hair cover occurs in a cat almost the whole year. However, in spring, in February-April, and in autumn, in September-November, the molt intensifies, which is especially noticeable in long-haired cats.
Smooth-haired pets are recommended to be combed once a week, and fluffy ones with a thick undercoat – every day for several minutes so that tangles do not appear.
Today, pet stores offer a wide variety of pet care products. The choice depends on whether your cat is long-haired or smooth-haired.
Types of brushes
Furminator brush. This is a comb that resembles a rake. Furminators come in different comb widths and are designed for each category: from smooth-haired kittens to large long-haired Maine Coon cats;
Mitten brush. This model is convenient if the cat is not accustomed to combing and categorically refuses to do so;
Combs with rare or frequent teeth. The choice depends on the length of the cat’s coat;
Ordinary cylindrical combs.
When choosing a brush, pay attention to its teeth. Models with metal teeth are not recommended, which are more often intended for dogs, and cause pain to a gentle cat. Also, do not buy brushes made of artificial hair or materials that provoke static electricity: it is unlikely that the pet will like it.
Combing technique
Combing must begin with the collection of fallen hairs, that is, with a mitten brush or with a brush with sparse teeth;
First, comb your pet in the direction of hair growth, and then comb it against, starting from the tail. This is especially true for cats with long hair;
Cats of long-haired breeds can form tangles. Small ones can be combed out on their own, but when faced with a large one, you should not try to comb it out. It is better to contact a professional – a groomer;
The cat is not able to reach the withers, nape and ears on its own, so do not forget about combing these areas;
At the end of the procedure, run a wet hand over the pet’s coat to finally remove the remnants of fallen hair.
The most important thing in the combing process is patience, and this applies to both the owner and the cat. If the kitten does not want to be brushed, try to distract him with a favorite toy. If an adult cat refuses to calmly accept this process, do not annoy her, encourage obedient behavior. Over time, the animal will get used to it and will enjoy it.
11 2017 June
Updated: January 15, 2018