How to prepare the house for the appearance of a puppy?
So, congratulations, you’ve decided to get a puppy! There are many discoveries ahead and the joy of communicating with a four-legged friend, and you probably can’t wait to pat the baby by the ear. However, having made a decision, you should not immediately run after the pet, first prepare the house for the arrival of a new family member.
A puppy is ready to move to a new home from about 2-3 months. At this age, the baby can eat on his own, he is energetic and inquisitive, but at the same time incredibly fragile and defenseless. Knowing the world around, the puppy will sniff with interest the objects around him, and some of them will certainly taste. To protect the young discoverer from possible troubles, the owner must take care of his safety and restrict access to wires, electrical appliances, small, sharp objects, sewing supplies, foam rubber, and medicines. If you live in a private home, be sure to secure the stairs and think about how to protect rooms that the puppy should not enter from the four-legged intrusion.
What will a puppy need in a new home?
- Couch and cage-aviary.
In the new house, the baby should already be waiting for his warm, cozy bench. You need to place it in a quiet place where there are no drafts and where the pet will not be disturbed often. It is also a high time to get an aviary cage: it will help a lot in raising a baby. You should not take the cage as a measure of punishment: this is a wrong association. In nature, the wild relatives of dogs live in burrows where they feel safe. The need for a cozy shelter has remained with domestic dogs: they definitely need a reliable place for a quiet rest and sleep, where no one will disturb them. The cell perfectly copes with this task, because. creates an enclosed space.
It is very important to explain to the children that it is impossible to disturb the puppy in his place, and subsequently make sure that they follow the rule.
- Two bowls.
There should already be two bowls in the house: for water and food. Preferred material: stainless steel. It is advisable not just to put the bowls on the floor, but to place them on a special stand or bracket. Experts recommend placing the bowl at the level of the dog’s elbow joint: this is not only good for the physique, but also helps to quickly accustom the dog to not picking up food from the ground outside.
- Toys.
For fun leisure, the pet needs Toys. Puppies have an indefatigable supply of energy, they love to play and gnaw everything around. And if your slippers and shoes are dear to you, then buying special toys for the baby is in your own interests. It is very important that they are of high quality, strong and do not break into sharp pieces under the influence of teeth, as happens with plastic toys, otherwise the puppy may be seriously injured. Danger for the baby are pillows and other soft products that contain foam rubber.
It is better to purchase special products from trusted manufacturers. It is made of safe materials and does not spoil the dog’s bite. Please note that it is not recommended to use old slippers or shoes as toys in any case, otherwise you will simply not be able to explain to the pet why old slippers can be chewed on, but new branded shoes cannot.
- Feed.
As for nutrition, in the first days of the appearance of a puppy in a new home, it is better to feed him the same food that he ate at the breeder, even if this choice seems not entirely correct to you. Moving is a huge emotional stress for a baby, and a sudden change in diet can even cause a serious eating disorder. If necessary, the puppy should be transferred to a new food very slowly and carefully, gradually diluting the usual diet with the new food.
The best food recommendations will be provided by a specific breed breeder who has raised several generations of dogs, a veterinarian or an expert. The main thing is that the food is of high quality, balanced and suitable for the age category and individual characteristics of your dog.
- Grooming tools and accessories: nail clipper, brush, eye and ear cleaning lotion, puppy shampoo and conditioner, absorbent towel.
- Walking accessories: collar, leash, harness, address tag. If necessary, warm clothes for walking and shoes.
- Reusable and disposable diapers. They are indispensable at the stage of toilet training.
- First Aid Kit.
In the house where the puppy lives, there must be a first aid kit. Basic equipment: flexible tip thermometer, self-locking bandages, sterile wipes and self-locking, alcohol-free disinfectants, diarrhea remedy (sorbents), wound healing ointment, antiparasitic agents, ear and eye cleaning lotion.
Be sure to find out the addresses and phone numbers of several nearest veterinary clinics, familiarize yourself with their work schedule, select round-the-clock ones for yourself – and let this certificate always be at your fingertips. Do not forget to stock up on the contact of a veterinarian who, if necessary, can come to your home at any time of the day. Now such measures may seem redundant to you, but, believe me, if the puppy suddenly falls ill, the phone number of a good veterinary clinic will come in handy.
After moving, let the puppy calmly look around, get acquainted with the situation and other household members. Try not to interfere with him, but watch his actions from the side, make sure that he does not inadvertently get hurt.
If you already have one pet in the house, do not demand from him that he is happy about the new family member just like you are. Animals are like children. Often they are very jealous of the owner and are very upset when they are not given the same attention. You have to show a lot of tact and patience, surrounding the new puppy with care and not depriving the attention of the older pet. Try not to let the baby eat from the bowl of another animal and take away his toys, it is better if the puppy is accustomed to his own things. Do not worry, this is a temporary measure: soon your pets will live in perfect harmony and will be happy to share toys and food with each other.
Having taken care of the main points of arranging the puppy in a new place, you can go after the baby with a clear conscience. Let your acquaintance with the pet be pleasant, and friendship – strong and trusting!