How to play with a turtle, can it be trained

Turtle training is a long, tedious and not always rewarding business. These animals are less intelligent than mammals. Therefore, you should not demand from them more than what they are capable of.
It is impossible to teach a turtle special tricks. The reptilian brain is not ready for this. Therefore, the turtle training program includes training to ensure that it:
- responded (came out) to her own name;
- approached the bowl to a certain sound;
- took food from the hands;
- pulled the bell rope, asking for food;
- pushed the ball on a sound command.
Some pets are able to wave their paws, asking for food.
Like all other animals, reptiles are trained by repeating the same action accompanied by a certain sound (voice, musical, call, knock, clap), reinforcing the result with a reward in the form of sweets, stroking. In the brain of the animal, a stable connection must be formed between the action performed and the pleasure received.
Important! Punishment for turtles in any form is unacceptable.
It is necessary to train a red-eared turtle at home, following the rules described above – avoiding punishment, screaming, sudden movements. Basic rule: use natural instinct.
If you constantly use a bell before feeding, the animal will itself approach the bowl, even empty, in anticipation of food. Pet lunch should always take place at the same time. Before you put food in the bowl, you should call the turtle by name. Repeating these actions over and over again, the owner will form a stable conditioned reflex in the pet: call, nickname, food.
An amphibian can be fed on land by placing food on a specially fixed raft. Then, when the ringing sounds, the reptile will climb into its “dining room”, which will amuse the audience.
And for the pet itself, this skill will be beneficial: the water in the aquarium will remain clean longer, since food remains will not pollute it.
If, during the massage of the carapace with a toothbrush, you repeat the nickname of the turtle, when she hears the call, she will rush to the owner to get her portion of pleasure, especially knowing that after the procedure she will be treated to a piece of juicy apple.
turtle toys
Living next to a person, the animal should not feel unnecessary, lonely. Therefore, the reptile should be entertained by talking to it, playing with it, picking it up, stroking its back, doing a massage with a brush, splashing with water in hot weather.
You can entertain the land turtle with special simulators. Reptiles are happy to “conquer” paths with obstacles, labyrinths, because in an apartment next to a person they lack movement.
New items placed on its territory arouse the interest of the animal. Noticing the ball nearby, it begins to push it with its head. Scientists studying the reaction of these reptiles are inclined to believe that these are peculiar games. Although some argue that in this situation the animal is simply protecting its territory from the “stranger”.
Objects suspended on ropes are used as toys. You just need to choose those that the turtle will not be able to swallow or tear off a piece from them. Trying to “drive out” the “new resident” from her territory, she will push the toy, grab it with her mouth. For such actions, you can reward your pet. Realizing that no one claims its territory, the reptile will still continue to play with hanging toys, waiting for encouragement.
You can play with the red-eared turtle on land. Out of the water, an amphibian can do without harm to health for up to 2 hours. Therefore, you can take it out of the water and teach it to move through the maze or push a bright ball, treating it to seafood for the right actions (but not more than twice a week).
Important! The owner of the reptile must know that it perceives its reflection in the mirror as another animal. Therefore, you should not leave the turtle next to the mirror for a long time – it will try to defeat the “intruder” and may get hurt.
Games and fun for turtles
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