How to play with a hamster at home

Hamsters are cute animals that you can have fun with. There is nothing difficult in learning how to play with a hamster at home. The gameplay is different from games with other pets. Rodents do not like to be stroked like cats, and do not run after toys like dogs.
When you take the baby in your arms, he does not perceive this as a manifestation of love and care. In his eyes, it looks like this: “the giant took me in his fist and pokes his fingers”, it is unlikely that he will like such leisure. A hamster is just a small rodent that lives differently in the wild: it collects food, runs at night, sleeps during the day, and explores the territory in its free time. Squeezing in hands, kissing and hugging are dubious entertainment for a hamster. If he shows clear signs of discontent, such games are contraindicated. Dzhungarik in this case can bite to the blood. The Syrian hamster behaves more confidently in human hands, but he should not be bothered either.
How to play with a hamster so that the baby is pleased?
The subtleties of playing with a hamster
Communication between humans and animals is built on trust. You will be able to play with the baby only if he trusts you and is not afraid. To get started, the rodent needs to be tamed. It’s not worth squeezing, it’s better to teach him to climb on his own palm. To do this, put a yummy on your hand. Playing with a pet is to some extent the ability to show your love and care.
But do not reduce games with a hamster at home to eating treats. Why not build labyrinths, barricades for him, equip a terrarium that needs to be explored – this is really interesting!
What is not worth doing?
If the hamster trusts you, and you have learned to play together, you do not need to break the animal’s usual biorhythms. These are nocturnal animals, they sleep during the day, so you should not wake the baby because you want to play. Eliminate the presence of water during games – the animal does not need to be wetted, splashed with water, etc.
It is not worth punishing and even more so beating a rodent – he will not understand what he received for, and trust will be lost.
How do hamster owners play with their pets?
If you analyze user reviews, you will find out how you can play with a hamster. Available ways to spend leisure time together:
- put the hamster on the floor or bed, cover with a sheet – he is happy to explore new places, some rodents can even go to bed or sit in such a shelter for hours;
- exploration of an apartment in a walking ball;
- dashes on the hands of the owner with an increasing pace;
- games with pieces of napkins – kids tear them to pieces, make nests.
Almost all hamsters love to crawl into all sorts of holes. Why not take this as the basis of the game? If you don’t know what to play with a hamster, play hide and seek – put mazes in which the baby can hide from you. You can find him and offer a treat or wait until he wants to get out.
Important: Wash your hands before and after playing with your hamster! If they smell like something edible, the rodent may bite. Well, why follow the rules of hygiene after communicating with an animal, probably does not need to be explained.
How do hamsters play in the wild? They explore everything new. A similar effect can be achieved at home. Build a playpen for your pet. You will need a box and all sorts of loopholes, boxes, pipes, mazes. Since the arena is open, you need to play with Djungarian hamsters only under your supervision. This rule also applies to the Syrian Kindred – as soon as you turn away, he will make an attempt to expand the research territory.
important points
Because toy breed hamsters are more aggressive, they need to be tamed before they can be played. If you don’t know how to play with a jungarian, take jogging games as the basis. Running balls and fenced areas where you can put the baby are perfect.
What else can you do with a hamster for a change of leisure? Play inside the cage. Buy your pet special wooden toys that you can chew on. They are made from environmentally friendly wood species, so they do not pose a danger.
The question of how to play with hamsters is difficult to answer unambiguously. Each pet has its own personality and hobbies. The main thing for the owner is to find a common language with his pet, then there will be common games.
How to play with a hamster
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