How to persuade parents to buy a dog, what to do when children beg for a dog
The question of how to persuade parents to buy a dog can be found on almost every social network and Q&A service, where children and teenagers are looking for answers on what needs to be done so that their parents are allowed to bring a four-legged friend into the house. So, how to lead in such a situation to parents and children who stubbornly ask for permission to bring a puppy into the house and what arguments exist in favor of having living creatures in the house, we will describe below.
Animal care and description of its need
The problem of many children and the reluctance of parents to indulge them in the matter of acquiring a dog is that after they persuade their parents for a long time to allow them to take home a puppy and tearfully swear to walk and care for it on their own, after the appearance of a four-legged inhabitant in the house, they eventually forget about their oaths.
As a result, parents, to the detriment of morning sleep before work, go outside to walk the animal, because the child does not want to get up so early. If a puppy gets sick, it will bring a lot of anxiety to the whole family, since the child is unlikely to be able to deal with dog treatment independently, and the financial side of the treatment is also taken over by the parents.
Therefore, if a child passionately persuades you to buy him a pet, you do not refuse him, but talk seriously about whether he is ready to give her due attention. After all Pet care includes the following:
- regular frequent walks;
- pet feeding;
- hair care;
- control over the training of the dog to the toilet;
- treatment and prevention of diseases;
- visit to the veterinarian
- other requirements for the care of animals depending on the breed.
If the baby begs to buy a dog and you, in principle, do not mind, then you still need to write with the child in advance checklist for caring for animals. Find out also what the child plans to do with a four-legged friend during the holidays, what to do when he is at school and you are at work, discuss the distribution of extracurricular time between walking the dog, visiting circles and doing homework.
Many children are too blind in their desire to have a pet that they absolutely do not think about what awaits them when a furry friend does appear in their house. That is why it is very important before you buy a dog, have an explanatory talk.
What to do when you can’t buy a dog
However, what to do when the kids with tears persuade them to buy a dog, and parents, for one reason or another, cannot do this. Usually, the reasons are as follows:
- the presence of an allergy to wool in babies or other family members;
- constant moving or long-term absence of all family members at home;
- financial difficulties;
- expecting a second child and much more.
However, if allergies are a good reason to refuse to buy an animal, but the rest of the reasons are temporary, and you can promise the child that you will definitely buy him a puppy when you move into a new apartment, a brother or sister is born, or free money appears to support the animal .
Explain to the kids why you will not be able to allow a pet now without giving a good reason and explaining it useless. They will persuade you to buy a puppy every day, constantly cry, mischief, start skipping school, refuse food. In some cases, children simply bring dogs from the street and put parents before the fact “he will live with us.” Few people dare to throw an unfortunate animal into the street, and then most parents “surrender” to the persistence of their children.
To somehow distract your child from the obsession with getting a dog, you can take the following actions:
- allow him to take a dog for a while from friends who are leaving for a while, and take care of her;
- give more chores;
- start a flower gallery (but again, this is a matter of allergies).
How can kids convince their parents to buy a dog?
If there are no objective reasons for parents not to buy a dog, then the child, in principle, can persuade them to do it. What can a child do so that his parents allow him to have a pet at home:
- as mentioned earlier, just bring the dog home, however, in some cases, parents may not take pity on him and throw him away, so it’s better not to practice this method, especially if the parents are too strict;
- offer your neighbors care services for their dogs. Sometimes you can earn pocket money on this. Parents will see and offer to have an animal at home;
- behave well, clean the room regularly, because conditions are very important for a dog.
What you need to know before buying a dog for both children and adults
So, if a consensus is reached and parents with a child have already gathered for a bird market or a specialized store, several factors need to be taken into account:
- before buying a dog evaluate your living conditions. If the apartment is small and many people live in it, then do not choose a large breed dog, it will be cramped;
- evaluate your financial capabilities. Food, collars, trips to the vet – all this is expensive. Yes, and some breeds of puppies themselves are very expensive and require special care;
- in order to take care of the dog on his own, the child himself must be strong;
- You are solely responsible for your pet’s actions. Keep this in mind and monitor his behavior and hygiene in public places;
- the dog will demand attention and time, you will be required to wake up earlier and go to bed later to walk it.
Benefits of having a dog in the house
Naturally, with the advent of a pet in the house, the life of your family will no longer be the same. your habits and lifestyle will have to be reviewed by all membersbut not only for the child.
However, the advantages of having a four-legged pet in the family are still obvious:
- dogs have a positive effect on the health of the child, provide emotional support, immunity;
- due to the presence of a dog in the house, the child will be more mobile and will be in the fresh air more often, will sit less at the computer in a stuffy room;
- the dog expands the social circle, because it is much easier to make friends by having common hobbies;
- having a pet will teach the child the principles of caring for someone who is smaller and more defenseless. This is very important if you plan to have a second child eventually.
As you can see, the presence of a dog in the house has much more arguments “for” than “against”. Therefore, if you have such an opportunity, there is no allergy and all conditions are created, you can talk with your child and feel free to go for a new friend. If you sincerely love him with the whole family, then he will gladly reciprocate, and there will be no end to the joy of the child.