How to make two dogs friends?
The socialization of a dog, including instilling in it the necessary communication skills with other dogs, is an important element of its upbringing and rearing, and great attention must be paid to this. If in the future the owner plans to acquire a second dog or finds himself in a situation where, for one reason or another, another dog may appear in the house, then the experience acquired by the dog and the correct behavior instilled in it will help to establish conflict-free relationships. This will eliminate aggression, rivalry, fear, insecurity and other undesirable behavior that a pet may exhibit.
Where to start?
You need to start with a puppy. It is in puppyhood that the foundations of socialization are laid and the experience of communicating with relatives is instilled. When you start taking your puppy outside, try to make sure that the walk is not only about the administration of natural needs and an easy promenade, but also includes play with peers or older loyal dogs. Pick up a puppy with a group of friends and try to arrange a meeting with them on a walk as often as possible, for example, by agreeing on the time of the walk with other dog owners. The faster you do this, the more actively and correctly your puppy will begin to acquire the communication skills he needs, and in the future he will not perceive other dogs as an object for a fight or, conversely, show cowardice and insecurity.
Secondly, it is necessary to ensure that walking and communication with other dogs does not develop into rivalry and an attempt to sort things out in a fight.
Strictly suppress the intentions of your dog to provoke a conflict situation and do not allow it to do so under any circumstances.
Many owners believe that a show of strength from a puppy or young dog is a positive thing that helps the pet feel confident and fearsome in the future. This is a mistake, and quite a serious one. The indulgences shown to such behavior of the dog further lead to the fact that it grows up pugnacious, aggressive and non-contact in relation to other animals, which, of course, makes it difficult to walk with it and communicate with other animals.
Subject to the recommendations outlined above, further communication of your dog with other animals will not cause any special problems for you or your pet. However, a situation may arise when another dog that has appeared in the house is not sufficiently socialized and is far from peacefully set up. It should be understood what needs to be done in this case and how to make two dogs friends or, at least, establish their conflict-free existence.
Let’s consider some examples:
1. An adult dog and a puppy that appeared in the house
For adult dogs, by nature, there is a taboo – you can’t offend puppies. This is a genetically determined behavior, and, as a rule, there are no special problems in communication between an adult dog and a puppy. Nevertheless, the participation of the owner in establishing the right relationship is necessary.
What is it:
- After bringing the puppy into the house, lower it to the floor and let the adult dog sniff it carefully and carefully. Watch the dog’s reaction and do not allow active actions on her part in relation to the puppy (an attempt to bite, start a game, bark or growl). This can frighten the puppy and affect his future relationship with an adult dog. Stop the unwanted actions of the old-timer with a ban;
- The owner’s attention to both dogs should be evenly distributed. Excessive attention to the puppy can cause jealousy on the part of an adult dog or an attempt to somehow change the situation. As a result, the puppy may be perceived by the adult dog as a competitor for its welfare;
- At first, feed the dogs separately, so that, again, you do not cause a feeling of competition and a desire to have a tastier piece;
- Monitor your puppy’s behavior and do not allow him to show obsessive behavior towards an adult dog that causes her aggression or discontent. Isolate the overplayed and obsessive puppy for a while and calm down;
- Good walks and activities. On a walk, a puppy quickly and actively copies the behavior of an adult dog, which has a positive effect on its upbringing and the acquisition of life experience. True, one condition is necessary: an adult dog must be properly educated and behave the way you need, and not her;
- And the last. In any relationship between dogs, the owner remains the main arbiter and educator. Any of your actions and orders, caused by incorrect relations between dogs, must be carried out impeccably – this is the key to a conflict-free and comfortable existence of a puppy (and later a young dog) with an older dog.
2. Two adult dogs, one of which is a beginner
The situation with two adult dogs is much more complicated, since each of them can claim the championship. There will be practically no problems when the dogs have been brought up in the right way and they are not characterized by conflicting showdowns. Practice shows that there are few such pairs.
What to do:
- Introduce dogs outside before bringing one into the house. It is advisable to organize several meetings and carefully monitor how the dogs will interact. The street puts animals on an equal footing, but the appearance of a stranger on its territory can cause a serious claim from an old-timer dog, which threatens to turn into a fight;
- Under no circumstances should dogs be allowed to dominate each other. Protect the weak dog and severely punish the fighter.
In the house, the head is the owner, and therefore only you can allow the dogs something, and forbid something.
If the dog perceives you as an authoritative owner, there will be no problems with the appearance of a second dog in the house;
- Show equal attention to the newcomer and the old-timer, so as not to arouse feelings of jealousy and rivalry;
- Feed the dogs separately at first;
- Keeping dogs in different rooms or premises from the point of view of establishing the correct relationship between them does not give the desired result, so try to observe the communication of dogs as often as possible and make adjustments to their behavior in time;
- You should not get a second dog if you are not completely sure of your influence on the pet. Only the unquestioning submission of your pet will allow you to establish the right relationship with other animals in the house. No other way.
November 7, 2017
Updated: December 21, 2017