How to make friends with a cat?
How to make friends with your cat? Weird question? Except at first glance! Cats are pets with character. Sometimes they don’t have a soul in you, and sometimes they don’t even let you pet them. They can love some family members and ignore others with enviable persistence. Or they can give their heart … to a dog and diligently avoid the owner. What to do in such cases? How to get in touch with your own cat?
When we get a cat, we imagine how comfortable it will sleep on our laps and wake us up in the morning with a gentle purr. But reality is preparing a different scenario: dust particles are literally blown off the pet, and it grows unsociable and loves more than anything in the world to climb where it will not be reached. Why is this happening?
Each cat is individual, each has its own character and temperament. Some pets are more affectionate, others less, and still others do not seem to need affection at all. You never know for sure what qualities your pet will have, but breed characteristics will help reduce the likelihood of disappointment. Study them carefully before settling on a particular breed.
If the cat categorically avoids the owners, is afraid of them and shows aggression, most likely it is injured and it will take a lot of time to adapt. In such cases, you can not do without the help of a zoopsychologist who will help you find an approach to the poor thing and correct her behavior.
When the “cold” behavior of a pet is caused by character traits, and not psychological trauma, you can safely, but carefully, start the assault! Our tips will help you.
- Respect her freedom!
The worst thing you can do with an unsociable pet is to physically influence it: hold it in your arms, stroke it against your will, or use force to punish it. All this will lead to the fact that the cat will become even more stubborn to avoid you.
If you see that the pet does not want to communicate with you at the moment, do not force him to do so. He is at home, and he should be comfortable. Stress is no help to friendship. But a calm, confident cat will soon begin to show curiosity and make contact.
- Introduce yourself!
We choose friends based on our liking, and so do cats.
A domestic huntress will want to make friends with a fair, patient and caring owner, who, even in the educational process, shows friendliness along with strictness. Cats do not tolerate raising their voices and physical punishment. Don’t expect to be the friend of the pet you take it out on.
Talk to your pet affectionately, call him to you (even if he is in no hurry to jump on your lap), invite him to play (exciting toys for cats will help a lot with this). Do not be discouraged if at first your efforts do not bring visible results. While you take care of the cat, she slowly but surely gets used to you. Patience and work will grind everything, remember?
- Make your cat want to come to you
Our goal is not to impose affection on the cat, but to make sure that she herself comes for her. Not an easy task, but only at first glance!
First you need to form in the cat pleasant associations from contact with you. A stimulus is indispensable here, and the best stimulus is treats, since food encouragement is the strongest. Offer your pet a treat from the palm of your hand. Over time, when the cat begins to take a treat from your hands confidently, start gently stroking it.
It happens that a pet is spoiled with treats and is in no hurry to run after them to the owner. We make a knight’s move and get some special treat with a new taste for the cat. These should be special healthy cat treats, not table food! Sticks “Delicacy” and liquid cream treats “Mnyams” have proven themselves well: these are new lines with bright rich flavors and good composition.
- Don’t force events
Haste is a bad tactic. Give your cat as much time as she needs. Be persistent, but not intrusive. Friendship, built in a comfortable environment step by step, is the strongest!
- Take care of your friendship
It is very easy to disappoint and scare away a pet. If dogs, for example, are quick-witted, then cats remember insults. Treat your pet with care, learn to understand it and never give offense. He will definitely appreciate it!