How to make friends a cat with a dog?
How animals meet each other, whether they can make friends and coexist peacefully in the same house – all this largely depends on the owner.
It is easiest to make friends between a puppy and a kitten. In this case, almost no effort is required from the owner, because animals that grow up together get used to each other from childhood. But a completely different task is to make friends between adult cats and dogs. In this case, the owner will have to closely monitor the situation and control the process.
Why do animals fight?
There are legends about the relationship between a cat and a dog, and they are all about how representatives of these two species do not like each other. The behavior of four-legged friends is understandable: both are hunters with pronounced instincts. Moreover, for a dog, the owner is the leader, and the worst thing for her is to lose his approval. What kind of approval can we talk about when the leader shows interest in a cat?
For the friendship of pets, preventive measures are needed: socialization, education and training. In some cases, you have to turn to professional dog handlers.
Animal acquaintance
When meeting cats and dogs, patience is essential. At the first stage, they should not see each other. Try to keep the animals in different parts of the house so that they gradually get used to each other’s smell.
In parallel with this, it is desirable to work with the dog, positively reinforcing the desired behavior. For example, if a dog on a walk did not rush after a yard cat, praise him, give him a treat.
At the second stage, the cat and the dog are introduced for real. Choose a large room for this and do not leave your pets alone for a minute. Everyone should have their own space.
In no case should animals be pushed towards each other, let them act independently. This process should proceed as naturally as possible.
Often, at the first meeting with a new neighbor, the dog shows the whole range of emotions, wanting to get to know each other better. This behavior usually scares the cat. In this case, you will have to work with the dog to eliminate excessive activity.
Help to get closer
Once the cat and dog have started to treat each other calmly, help them to find a closer contact. Joint walks or feeding will help to bring the animals together.
On the part of cats, especially domestic ones, a walk is stressful. An accompanying dog will become a familiar protector in an unfamiliar situation. In turn, the dog may perceive the cat as a new partner in search of adventure.
As for joint feeding, the same principle of slowness works here. First, at the first stage of acquaintance, bowls of animals should be bred in the corners of the kitchen. Gradually bring them closer so that in the end the pets eat nearby.
In addition, joint games will help to get closer. However, if a cat or dog has bitten a partner, the game should be stopped. You should not raise your voice, scolding the offender, and defiantly feel sorry for the bitten. Thus, you will only kindle mutual hostility. It is enough to say “no” and stop the game.
Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find a common language for a cat and a dog. In this case, try not to put pressure on the pets in an attempt to make them friends, it is better to try to bring their relationship to a neutral level and limit communication. Perhaps over time they will get used to each other and stop fighting.
August 16 2017
Updated: 30 March 2022