How to make a house for a cat?
House from the box
A cardboard box house is a simple and inexpensive solution. The box must be tightly sealed on all sides with adhesive tape so that it does not fall apart, and an entrance of any shape should be cut out for the cat. The hole should be such that the animal can easily crawl into it, but not be too large, otherwise the house will lose its main function – shelter. The size of the dwelling must be calculated taking into account the dimensions of the cat – it should be spacious so that it can comfortably lie on its side. As a soft bedding, you can use a pillow, a towel, a blanket or a piece of carpet with a long pile.
If there are children in the house, they can be involved in decorating the house. For example, glue it with paper or cloth. The design and color scheme can be anything: in the style of the interior where the pet’s home will be installed, or in the tone of the cat itself, which almost does not distinguish colors.
suspension house
Since cats tend to like to sit and watch from the sidelines and down, you can build a hanging house. To do this, you need ropes, pillows, fabric ribbons of 2 meters each. First you need to sew two ribbons crosswise. Then tie one pillow to them, and at a distance of 50 cm from it – the second. Part of the walls can be covered with a cloth. Thus, you should get a two-story house that can be hung either from the ceiling or from a beam. And from below, attach, for example, ropes with toys with which the animal could play below.
T-shirt house
An original and unusual house can be made using a regular T-shirt (jacket or other suitable clothes). For its manufacture you will also need: cardboard (50 by 50 cm), wire, adhesive tape, pins, scissors and wire cutters. From the wire you need to make two intersecting arcs, which must be fixed in each corner of the cardboard base. At the intersection, fix the wire with tape. On the resulting structure, reminiscent of a dome or frame of a tourist tent, pull on a T-shirt so that the neck becomes the entrance to the house. Wrap the excess pieces of clothing under the bottom of the house and secure with pins. Put a soft bedding inside the house. A new dwelling can either be placed on the floor or window sill, or hung. The main thing is to carefully close the sharp ends of the pins and wire so that the cat does not get hurt.
booth house
To make a solid house, you can use boards, plywood or any other suitable material, a padding polyester insulation and fabric. First you need to make a drawing of the future house, prepare all the elements of the future structure and connect them together (except for the roof). Sheathe the house first with a padding polyester, and then with a cloth – outside and inside. Make the roof separately and attach to the finished structure. If, according to the project, the top of the house is flat, outside you can make a ladder to the roof and nail a low wooden fence along its perimeter. Get a two-story booth. On the “second” floor, a scratching post, also made with your own hands from a bar upholstered with coarse twine, will look great.
11 2017 June
Updated: December 21, 2017