How to keep a cat away from an aquarium
Cat and aquarium fish are not the best combination, because of their instincts, your furry pet will consider the fish as an additional source of food, which is always out of sight and constantly tempted to catch it.
Step #1 Assessment of the situation. Consider moving or placing the aquarium in a place that the cat can’t reach, such as in another room or on a sturdy shelf (it should be able to support a lot of weight). If a cover is included, be sure to install it.
Step #2 Use the training technique – Positive reinforcement. Take some of your pet’s favorite treats with you. When the cat approaches the aquarium, in a word or command with a firm intonation, order it to move away / run away. After that, approach her and give a piece of goodies. Repeat several times, a simple bunch should form: close to the aquarium – an evil owner, far from him – the opportunity to get a treat.
Step #3 Give the cat an alternative to sitting next to the aquarium, some kind of toy. Maybe she’s just bored, but watching the fish is exciting. In the end, pets are usually full, which greatly dulls the instinct of the hunter.
Step #4 Find a way to strengthen the aquarium, install a secure lid mount and a mechanism for opening it. Pets are different, and this is the best guarantee against unplanned penetration.