How to introduce a kitten and a cat
“Say hello to your sister!”
The appearance of a new kitten in the house is a special and wonderful time for the whole family.. except for your adult cat!
No matter how gentle her character, she is still a cat and therefore instinctively strongly shows territoriality, indicating that the territory of the habitat is in her possession. The appearance of another furry creature in her line of sight can cause her a negative reaction. Envy, as the newcomer suddenly takes all the attention of the hosts. Discomfort, because cats are extremely sensitive to the cleanliness of the tray they use. Aggression and despondency, because the annoying little boy is constantly spinning in front of her nose.
However, by planning the whole process ahead of time and learning about the psychology of the animals, you can make the process of dating less complicated and lay the foundation for the formation of friendship and cooperation between animals that will allow you to create a “family with two cats”.
Step 1: Prepare the House
If possible, before a new kitten appears in the house, take a new toy or blanket and come with them to the breeder, rub the kitten with them so that his smell remains on these items. Then leave these items at home so that your cat can get to know them. When a cat and a kitten first meet, she will no longer perceive his smell as something threatening to her.
Prepare a separate room (maybe a spare bedroom or utility room) for a new kitten to use during the first few days of their stay in the house, place bowls for water and food, toys and bedding. And don’t worry, these are just temporary measures.
Step 2: Let the animals get used to each other’s scent
On the day of your kitten’s arrival, keep your cat in a different room with familiar and familiar items. Bring the kitten into the house, quickly show him all the rooms so that he begins to get used to the new environment, and then place him in the room prepared for him.
Only now you can let the cat out of the room where she was (but make sure that she does not meet with the kitten). Let her smell your kitty-scented hands and treat her to treats to reinforce the positive connection between the new scent and the pleasant experience.
Gradually spread the kitten’s scent throughout the house over the first few days by changing the food and water bowls. Once both animals are used to each other’s scent, let them explore each other’s territory separately, but do not let them meet.
Step 3: let them finally meet
It is best to arrange an “official” acquaintance during feeding, when hunger will overpower all other irritants. When animals first meet, you can expect them to hiss and grunt – this is normal and allows them to determine their own place in the hierarchy. Keep a blanket ready in case full-scale hostilities break out. But it is quite possible to hope that your preparations will have an effect and the animals will be able to “recognize” each other enough to peacefully be nearby at least for dinner.
Step 4: Build on Success and Praise Them Equally
Immediately after the first meal together, breed the animals and keep them separate from each other until the next feeding, while gradually increasing the time they spend together. When they are together, share treats and attention between the two equally, not only to reinforce the positive experience of communication, but also to demonstrate that you do not prefer one of them.
Remember that you are the “leader of the pack”, you should not establish which of them takes the place of the “main cat”, and which obeys – they will independently find out this in the usual way in nature. You just have to demonstrate objectivity and honesty in all respects.
Everyone loves fluffy kittens, and an important part of having a second cat in the house is the excitement around the new baby. But by staying calm when introducing a kitten to family members, laying the foundation for a respectful relationship between animals, and sharing your love equally between the two, you will receive even more love from both your pets in return.
Here is the recipe for a happy family with two cats!