How to get rid of spiders in the house on your own: standard and folk pest control methods
Most insects, including spiders, prefer outdoor living conditions, but they can often be encountered in an apartment. The best way to deal with unwanted guests is to keep them out of the room, but if they have already sneaked into a person’s home, then there are many ways to get rid of them. At the same time, there are both folk and chemical methods of dealing with spiders.
In apartments and country houses, two common types of spiders are most often found – these are black and gray arthropods. But in the natural habitat, their varieties number in the thousands. Gray and black varieties of arachnids does not harm people, since it is not poisonous and feeds on insects.
But, despite the harmlessness of representatives of the arthropod class, most people try to drive them away by all means, since few people like the cobwebs on the walls and vile creatures with many paws scurrying around in the bathroom at night. How to get rid of spiders in the house a set of measures should be takenthat will prevent them from reappearing.
Getting rid of spiders with general cleaning
First of all, you need to get rid of adults and the web that they wove in the corners of the house. Collect all the waste products of spiders in the rooms, closet, kitchen and various utility rooms. With the help of a broom with a rag you need walk around the corners and under the sofas. Throw out clothes that are dusty in the closet. Go over the upholstery of upholstered furniture with a damp cloth to remove nests.
If the egg-laying of spiders is not completely removed, after a while offspring will appear, which will quickly disperse throughout the house and the homeowner will have to fight illegal invaders again. In addition, it is important to find out the presence of insects in the apartment, since the latter, being the food of spiders, attract self-proclaimed guests to stay in the house for a long time. In parallel, you can pickle ants, flies and other insects included in the diet of an arthropod lodger.
Blocking access to petty occupiers
The main reason for the appearance of spiders in the house is human carelessness. Poor repair, cracks and holes in the windows, loosely closed doors through which various insects penetrate – the main reason that arthropods will choose the room. Often man himself brings unwanted guests on clothes. And if miniature monsters have already entered the apartment, you must definitely get rid of them.
The first step is to cover up all the holes and crevices that give the spider free access to the room. Replace torn mosquito nets on all windows, close ventilation and other service openings with gratings with a small mesh of ventilation hoods. Completely block access to the house for small parasites.
Traps and chemicals
The use of sticky tape traps is ineffective in combating spiders weaving webs in the corner of the room under the ceiling. But for terrestrial arthropods, such simple devices will do just fine. Traps are placed on the floor, in places where arachnids were seen, and as soon as an individual falls into a trap, it is advisable to immediately get rid of it. But this way of dealing with the invaders will not get rid of the laying of eggs, neatly hidden by the spider in a secluded place.
Also from spiders can be removed with chemicalssold in household chemical stores. The use of various chemistry is advisable only if all attempts to block access to shaggy monsters or evict them with the help of general cleaning have failed.
But, if you cannot do without the use of pesticides, then it is better to choose drugs that contain pyrethroids. An ordinary aerosol that kills mosquitoes or flies well is not terrible for a spider. The liquid from the can is sprayed in places where parasites or cobwebs accumulate: corners in the house, cracks and free space behind and under furniture. But the effectiveness of the remedy depends on whether it fell directly on the pest or not, otherwise nothing will happen to it.
Folk remedies for the destruction of spiders
From the folk methods of how to get rid of spiders in the house, the following effective options can be distinguished:
- horse chestnut, which is crushed in the corners of the apartment – the specific smell of the plant is unpleasant for arachnids;
- peppermint – lubricate with the juice of the plant all the places of deployment of furry lodgers;
- in domestic premises you can update the whitewash, since lime will drive spiders out of secluded shelters;
- wet arthropods with a solution of vinegar from a spray bottle – acetic acid will kill the pest;
- get a cat who will hunt for everything that moves in the house.
Naturally, there are many more ways to deal with annoying insects than have been considered and the choice of a specific one depends on the preferences of the homeowner.
Vacuum cleaner – a formidable enemy of spiders
The easiest way to get rid of spiders is to collect pests and bags with their eggs and cobwebs with a vacuum cleaner.
This method is well suited for dealing with single individuals, as well as several arachnids. But it’s completely ineffectiveif the house was occupied by a whole colony of arthropods.
The vacuum cleaner, thanks to the air flow, does not allow small spiders to escape, which cannot be caught with a rag or crushed with a broom.
Of course, an adult spider can be nailed with a newspaper, and the eggs can be crushed with any hard object at hand, but after that a wet mark will definitely remain, which will have to be wiped with a rag. In turn, the vacuum cleaner will not leave marks.
Preventive measures
It’s no secret that preventive measures to combat spiders are often more effective than measures to directly remove annoying parasites. Therefore, you need to know the basic options for how to prevent spiders from entering a person’s home.
- You can not attract insects that are included in the diet of the arthropod. No need to leave the lights on at night on the porch of the house. Need install mesh on doors, and close the windows with curtains so that internal lighting does not break through to the street. Do not leave leftover food on the kitchen table.
- If this is a private house, then you need to get rid of shrubs and climbing plants located in close proximity to the building. Accumulation of fallen leaves from trees, in which arachnids like to settle, should not be allowed.
- Keep your home perfectly clean. Do not arrange a warehouse of things, boxes and other household trifles in the apartment. Use plastic containers with airtight lids for storage.
If the housing was filled with hordes of spiders and all attempts to get rid of unwanted guests did not give a positive result, then it is better to turn to professionals for help. Only comprehensive control measures with arthropods will help to drive impudent tenants out of the house for a long time.