How to feed a turtle in winter: the diet of land and red-eared turtles in winter
Turtles are usually not as active in winter as they are at other times, and may even hibernate for several weeks. Therefore, the main rule of feeding is to reduce portions while maintaining a fairly balanced diet.
The diet and feeding rules of the land tortoise
In fact, you can feed the land tortoise in winter with the same products as in summer. In her diet, the main share should be greens – 75%, as well as fruits, vegetables and various berries – 15%. The remaining 10% are nutritional supplements and vitamins, animal products (sometimes you can feed your pet with cottage cheese).
Good nutrition can be provided through the products presented in the list:
- fresh vegetables (carrots, white cabbage, cucumbers, beets);
- fresh fruits (bananas, pears, different types of apples);
- berries (you can defrost summer blanks);
- fresh pumpkin, if it has been preserved from the summer.
All fruits and vegetables contain a large amount of water – from 50% to 95% of the mass fraction. Therefore, it is not necessary to additionally water the animal: the turtle will receive the bulk of the moisture with food. However, 2-3 times a month you can put a cup of fresh water – if necessary, the pet will drink as much as she needs on her own.
The feeding regime remains the same:
- Young individuals eat daily (up to 3 years of age).
- Older representatives eat 2 times a week.
Portion sizes can be reduced compared to usual, but not too much: the Central Asian tortoise, like other species, should eat in moderation, but also not feel hungry. Weekly regular menu can be varied with various additives:
- raw sunflower seeds (peeled);
- special dry feed mixtures (according to the instructions);
- raw edible mushrooms (champignons, shiitake, etc.);
- bran;
- dry seaweed or algae;
- cottage cheese.
At home, as well as in nature, the land tortoise eats food on its own, can take it from a plate, from the floor, or even from the owner’s hands. It is recommended to choose the same feeding place and keep it clean: for this, the food is placed in a shallow and large plate, into which the turtle can easily crawl in and out.
Video: feeding the Central Asian tortoise in winter
Diet and feeding rules for the red-eared turtle
The food of the red-eared turtle in winter is also not too different from the summer menu. However, the portion size and frequency of feeding is slightly reduced (once a week or less). Juveniles should be fed 3-4 times a week. It is also better to provide turtles with plenty of greens and vitamin supplements and slightly reduce the meat content.
Mostly red-eared turtles eat the following foods in winter:
- Low-fat varieties of white fish – pollock, halibut, hake and many others.
- Meat – raw chicken fillet, lean beef (pork and lamb are excluded).
- Offal – raw heart and liver of chicken or beef.
- Non-dangerous insects purchased at a pet store are maggot, carriage and other crustaceans.
- Aquatic plants – algae, duckweed.
- Some fruits and vegetables – cucumbers, white cabbage, apples, apricots, oranges. All fruits are pre-peeled and given pitted.
- Additives in the form of bone meal, egg shells (previously finely ground in a mortar), vitamins.
You can also feed the red-eared turtle in winter with live fish: it will be happy to hunt guppies, swordtails and other small individuals. Constant access to fresh water is required. These turtles like to moisten their food with water, so when feeding in a dry terrarium, they need to consume quite a lot of moisture.
What foods should be excluded
The land tortoise eats mainly plant food in winter and summer, and the red-eared turtle eats animal food. Therefore, it is unacceptable to give meat to the first, as well as to feed the second only with vegetable food. There is also a general list of prohibited foods that turtles should not be fed in either winter or summer:
- Any spicy greens.
- Onion garlic.
- Insects.
- Any cooked, fried (ready-made) food from the person’s menu.
- Any food for cats, dogs, etc.
- Poisonous plants (aloe, cacti, etc.).
- Cheese, kefir and other dairy products (with the exception of cottage cheese).
- Flour, sweet, etc.
- Any cereals, semolina.
During feeding, you should pay attention to the behavior of the animal. Both the red-eared and the terrestrial tortoise hibernate in nature. Therefore, if the pet is not too active, sleeps a lot, it is better to stop feeding it altogether for 2-3 weeks, and give water constantly. Then she will go into hibernation in a cool dark place – for this they prepare a special box with sand, peat and moss.
What to feed terrestrial and red-eared turtles in winter
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