How to distinguish a Djungarian hamster: useful tips
How to distinguish a Djungarian hamster from hamsters of another breed or how to determine the sex of a pet? To a person who has never kept such animals at home, these questions may seem difficult. But in fact, they are quite easy to answer.
How to distinguish the Dzungarian hamster from Syrian
Syrianhamster differs from Dzungarian in the following moments:
- When deciding how to distinguish a Djungarian hamster from a Syrian one, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to the dimensions. So, Syrian individuals are real giants! At home, they can sometimes reach a length of up to 20 cm. In the wild, a little less, but also a lot. The most interesting thing is that their female is larger than the male. The Djungarian hamster never grows longer than 10 cm.
- Dzungarian rodents have practically no tails. But in Syrian individuals, it can reach 1,5 cm.
- Of course, rodents also differ in weight. Naturally, Syrian pets will be much heavier than their Dzungarian counterparts. The difference is significant: 140-200 g versus 40-50 g. As a rule, even the most well-fed Dzungarian rodent will not weigh more than 60 g.
- We should also talk about color. No wonder Syrian hamsters are also called “golden”. Otherwise, it would be very difficult for them to disguise themselves in the desert. Although breeders today brought out other colors. But red still dominates. As for the Dzungarian rodents, they are predominantly brown-gray, have a white tummy and a dark stripe along the back line. And all because they live in the steppes of Asia and semi-deserts, in which there is a lot of low vegetation. An interesting nuance: in dzungaria, with a decrease in air temperature, the fur becomes lighter.
- As for the fur coat, absolutely all dzhungars are the owners of a short, but at the same time thick coat.. As for the Syrians, their cover is completely different. There are even bald and curly Syrians! But their paws are always bald, unlike dzungaria.
- There is little to be said about the character. The Syrian hamster is quite sociable, friendly, loves to learn everything new. But at the same time he prefers to live alone. As for the dzhungarik, he is more independent, closed in himself, it will not be easy to train him. But it is more willing to get along with fellow tribesmen – a group of such rodents is quite convenient to keep together.
- The Syrian hamster is unusually clean. He monitors his hygiene, it is easy to accustom him to the tray. The Dzungarian rodent is distinguished by a rather specific pungent odor.
Than a Djungarian hamster different from Campbell’s hamster:
А what is the difference between a jungarik and no less popular hamster Campbell, with whom, By the way, is it often confused?
- The outlines of the body of these animals are different, despite the same height and weight. Thus, the Dzungarian rodent resembles an egg, since its body smoothly flows into the head, which also gradually tapers towards the nose. But Campbell is more similar to the eight. In other words, the waist of the last hamster is clearly expressed.
- Ear sizes also vary. Dzungaria are the owners of larger ears.
- Next, pay attention to the fur coat. In Djungarian hamsters, the coat is smoother, it creates a feeling of “stuffed” fur coat. But in their fellow Campbells, the hairs stick out due to the fact that they grow at a certain angle. And this angle is quite large.
- As for the color, the Dzungarians are more diverse than the Cambells in this sense. As for the abdomen, in any case it is grayish in Campbells. The dzhungarik has a white tint, and there are also “arches” on the sides. At the same time, the jungars have small blackouts on the heads and on the sides.
- Separately, it is worth mentioning the stripes on the back. At first it seems that it is impossible to distinguish by them, since hamsters of both breeds have them. In jungars, it is wider, but more vague.
- A curious feature: some hamsters are able to change color! And it is the Dzungarian individuals that differ in this. As soon as the day begins to shorten, the hamster gradually brightens. And up to the acquisition of completely white. The Campbells are no different.
- As for the character, the dzhungarik is a friendlier creature. It is easier to tame, quickly imbued with friendly feelings towards others. But the Campbells are more cautious, they can even bite – they are generally recommended to be tamed at first, armed with thick gloves.
We determine the gender correctly: useful recommendations
Now let’s see how to distinguish jungars by gender:
- Как no wonder hamsters have a girl bigger than the boy. If a person contains both rodents sexes, he will quickly understand the difference, and learn from the very first minutes to determine sex.
- invert attention is also on the back. More precisely, look at it from above. In males it tapers towards the tail. BUT in females, on the contrary, it is more rounded.
- Как As a rule, girls are less fluffy. Despite to the fact that the jungars themselves are not are especially fluffy hamsters, However, it can be seen that some of them the fur coat is more plentiful, in others – less. And here are those that are not distinguished by abundant cover, belong to just for the female gender.
- If hold on the tummy of the girls, it will turn out feel the nipples. Let them be very small, but notice and feel them can. There should be 8 nipples in total.
- У boys, respectively, there is clearly expressed sexual organ. Some the owners, however, confuse it with the navel. However, the genital organ is located on a distance of about 0,5-1 cm in relation to to the anus. And what is accepted consider the navel, in reality is a male gland. In girls and a pronounced organ, and a gland, of course same, absent – they have a vagina located as close as possible to anus. And so close that one can take these two holes for one. To determine gender in hamsters is recommended reaching 3-4 months. Previously, even people could not do this. with experience in breeding such pets.
- That As far as character is concerned, girls are more active than boys. They are more like to play, run and, unfortunately, harder to get in contact with a person. AT In the case of boys, the opposite is true – they prefer to lie down, not to move in a hurry, balanced, like to communicate with the owners. Male aggression in with the dzhungars – mostly a myth. They are such only in marriage period, and then only in relation to brothers.
For in order to acquire that pet, which has long been dreamed of, you need to learn how to choose the right one. And, of course, decide on the breed and gender is paramount. For sellers should not always be relied upon and they can be wrong. Or consciously distort the facts. We hope that our article will help you learn many useful facts.