How to determine the sex of a red-eared turtle?

How to determine the sex of a red-eared turtle?

If you decide to buy a turtle as a pet, you will definitely want to come up with a name for it first. The name, as a rule, depends on the gender. But how to define it? Scientists have found that determining the sex of reptiles is not an easy task, and in some cases completely impossible, because in nature there is an exception for everything. This applies primarily to fish, frogs, lizards and turtles. One frequently asked question concerns red-eared turtles. So, how to determine the sex of this breed of turtles?

Red-eared turtles: how to determine the sex?

Main features

There is a period in the life of turtles when sex determination is noticeably easier. In the interim between five and seven years of age. Maybe an experienced turtle fancier knows how to determine the sex before this time, then the young naturalist will certainly experience difficulties in this matter.

Basically, many buyers who come to the pet store determine gender by comparing three signs in animals:

  • turtle tail length and shape
  • plastron shape features
  • length and shape of reptile claws

The first point is based on matching two tails. The male has a longer tail than the female’s. At the same time, the male has a thick tail at the base, and gradually narrows towards the end. Females, on the other hand, have an even tail, which has neither narrowing nor extensions, it is more rounded in them. This criterion for identifying sex is the most common among naturalists.

The second sign of determining the sex of an animal is based on the shape of the plastron. This formation is located in the back of the shell. Inside the plastron are the genital organs of turtles, which have a different shapewhich can facilitate the installation of the reptile floor.

Boys have a concave back, this shape is convenient for mating. The female representatives do not see any noticeable changes in the back of the shell, her the surface is fairly flat..

The third sign by which the sex of the red-eared turtle can be determined is the shape and length of the claws. In the male, the clawed toes are elongated and often the claws themselves may have a slightly curved appearance. In females, the fingers are noticeably shorter and often virtually devoid of claws, with a rounded rather than pointed appearance. But determining only by the third sign, you can get into a mess, since in a turtle living in an aquarium, over time, the claws can grind on hard ground and change their shape. Also, comparing the claws of a young turtle, you can come to an erroneous opinion, it is better to wait until the reptile reaches the age of five.

Additional indicators

If it was not possible to establish the sex of the red-eared turtle by the main signs, then they will come to the rescue Extra options.

  • you need to compare the body sizes of turtles;
  • compare the shapes of the back of the plastron of both sexes;
  • compare the anal openings of individuals;

The first sign for determining belonging says that the female should be larger than the male, this state of affairs is inherent in nature and is necessary for the successful bearing of eggs with future offspring.

You can recognize this female or male turtle by the plastron, it is the main part of the body of the turtle, with its help you can accurately guess who is in front of you. Males are distinguished by the pointed lower part of the shell, which looks like a latin letter “V”. In females, the end of the plastron does not have any prominent features, but simply ends in a roundness.

The anus is the last circumstance that will help establish gender of the turtle. In males, this part of the body is located closer to the pointed end of the tail and has the shape of an oblong line. Females have a cloaca, shaped like an asterisk, and it is located closer to the base of the tail.

Features of the behavior of both sexes

If you are still unable to determine the sex of the red-eared turtle, then you must first select one turtle. When she grows up a little, you can clearly see the truth of her gender. After a while, you will have the ability to understand the behavior of turtles and assign it to a specific gender. But for such an analysis, one must have sufficient experience in breeding turtles of both sexes. You can observe their behavior in the pet store.

Many experienced amateur naturalists have come to the conclusion that females are the calmest. The fact is that the boys are very active, moving around their possessions and tasting everything that comes their way. Their interest in their chosen one is clearly manifested.

Owners of red-eared turtles may witness the male trying to catch up with the female and bite her neck. Experts say males give themselves away vigorous head nodding.

Another sign of the installation of the floor of a turtle can be the shape of its muzzle. But this sign is very controversial and cannot be the main one, since it has no confirmation from zoologists. Males have a more pointed muzzle than females – this is the distinguishing feature of this method.

How to determine the sex of a land tortoise?

With the main criteria and additional ones clear, this list of turtle sex determination can be continued by including more species characteristics of land turtles.

  • By the color of the nose, you can recognize a yellow-headed Indian tortoise as a boy or girl. In males it is pink, and in females it is normal.
  • The color of the eyes will give out the Carolina box turtles. Males differ from females in bright red eyes, females have slightly reddish eyes. Spengler girls of mountain species are endowed with blue eyes, while males are brown.

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