How to cut a kitten’s nails?
When is it time to trim your nails?
In the first weeks of life, kittens have short and rather soft claws, but over time they harden. Already by about 6–8 weeks of life, the claws grow to such a size that they begin to interfere with feeding and scratch the mother.
The first really strong claws grow at about the 4th month, and are finally formed by six months. You can start trimming your kitten’s nails as early as 15 weeks.
How to cut nails correctly?
To the procedure for cutting the claws of a pet must be taught from a fairly early age. In this matter, the first experience is an important psychological factor: the first clipping of the nails should go as smoothly as possible, the kitten should not experience discomfort or pain. Then the procedure will not cause fear in him, and you will be able to care for his claws without hindrance.
During the procedure, you should act very carefully so as not to hurt the pet. When cutting nails, you need to take into account their structure in order to avoid incorrect actions.
Haircut steps:
You should choose a time when the kitten is calm or even sleepy. He must be in good health. You can pet the kitten, scratch behind the ear and touch each paw, this is useful for getting used to the further procedure;
Then you need to put the pet on your lap, take its paw in one hand, and special scissors for cutting claws, which can be bought at any pet store, in the other;
It is necessary to gently press on the middle of the paw so that the claws come out of it;
You should inspect the claw and determine where the sensitive area ends. Then the claw must be carefully cut off, leaving at least two millimeters from the pulp. And so on all paws.
Useful tips:
It would be good to have on hand a means to stop the blood and an antiseptic just in case (this may be necessary if the pulp is touched during the cutting of the nails);
If you doubt that you can handle it, or are simply afraid to perform this procedure on your own, you can entrust it to professionals: specialists in pet salons and veterinary clinics will do everything quickly and painlessly.
Do not forget that nail trimming should be done regularly, at least once a month.
Kitten and scratching post
At about 6-7 weeks, kittens are already using their claws with might and main to play, conquer new heights and explore everything that surrounds them. If you notice that the kitten began to scratch furniture and wallpaper, then it’s time to get a scratching post. It will help you keep intact interior items and nerves, and the kitten will comfortably sharpen its claws.
To show the pet why it is needed, you need to gently take it by the paw and run it over the surface of the scratching posts. This will help attract your pet and accustom him to the regular use of a new accessory. But, even if the kitten often sharpens its claws, this does not cancel the haircut.
12 2017 June
Updated: October 8, 2018
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