How to comb a chinchilla with a comb, hair care

Grooming for most pets involves careful coat care. Luxurious chinchilla coat also requires special attention. Despite the fact that these rodents are extremely clean, sometimes they need the help of their owners.
Is it possible to comb a chinchilla
Well-groomed eared hair looks like this:
- even, smooth, “hair to hair”;
- lack of bruising and tangles.
An animal acquires an untidy appearance for the following reasons:
- negative terms of content;
- excessive attention from the owners;
- a constant desire to touch and cuddle an animal that causes stress.
The help of the owners in caring for the coat is not required every day, however, more often attention should be paid to the anus area. In this area, the fur falls off due to constant contact with sawdust and toilet filler.
Combing rules
Figuring out how to comb out a chinchilla is very simple: just follow the following recommendations from experts:
- Place the animal on a flat surface.
- Fix at the base of the tail.
- Aggressive or overly curious animals should be positioned so that the hind legs are slightly off the table.
- The movements should be deep but short.
- Combing should start from the back.
- End with belly.
- Carefully comb the area of the anus.
After the procedure, a significant amount of fallen hairs remains, which are attached to the coat. They are easily removed with a sticky roller to clean clothes. In order not to cause pain to the pet, the adhesive surface should be applied carefully, without pressure.

Selection of combs
When figuring out how to comb a fluffy pet, you need to understand that the usual comb for a person is not suitable for chinchillas, just like devices for dogs. Experienced chinchilla breeders recommend that you consider some cat models if your local pet stores have specialized rodent supplies.
The fur of the animal is very soft and thick. Up to 80 hairs can grow from one hair follicle, so the main criteria that a chinchilla comb must meet are as follows:
- free penetration into the thickness of the hair;
- lack of the “slicker” effect: such a device will remove not only dead, but also living hair, causing pain;
- the presence of long and thin teeth;
- purchased point, so as not to harm the skin.

Chinchilla Grooming
General grooming includes not only grooming, but also sand baths. Chinchillas cannot be washed in water due to the peculiarities of the hair and skin, so high-quality sand is the key to a clean coat.
The raw materials for bathing should be chosen thoughtfully: in natural conditions, animals take baths in volcanic ash. At home, river sand is categorically not suitable: it changes the color of the hairs, clogs the hair, and breaks the hair column. You should choose dust created from the ash of a volcano. An alternative is blue clay.

It is not recommended to limit the pet in the frequency of bathing procedures, but it is required to ensure that the sand bath does not exceed 20-30 minutes. If the bathing filler was chosen correctly, then the situation when it is required to clean the chinchilla from sand will not arise.
A beautiful and smooth coat of a rodent is the main indicator of its health and well-being, but there are times when matted hair appears in one or more places. If it does not lend itself to combing, then carefully cut off the matted wool. According to experts, this is the only case when the answer to the question of whether it is possible to cut a chinchilla will be positive.
Video: how to properly comb a chinchilla
Chinchilla grooming and combing
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