How to clean the ears of a cat at home?
How to properly clean the ears of cats? It would seem that there is nothing complicated in this. But the procedure has its own nuances, not knowing about which you can harm your pet. In our article, we will tell you whether it is necessary to clean the ears of cats, how often and what you need to pay attention to first. We take note!
Do cats need to have their ears cleaned? Of course, but only when they are really dirty. Do not touch clean ears!
If the pet’s ears are healthy, then for their hygiene you will need a special lotion and a gauze swab (optional). In the presence of a disease, the procedure will look different. Your veterinarian will prescribe treatment and tell you how to clean your ear.
We choose only high-quality lotions designed for regular cleaning of the ears of cats (for example, Clean Ear from ISB, 8in1). They are completely safe and act very gently: they do not dry out and do not irritate the skin.
We fix the cat so that during the procedure it does not accidentally hurt and scratch you. It is enough to hold a pet accustomed to grooming with one hand. But if ear cleaning turns into a life-and-death struggle, call on a friend to help and wrap the cat in a towel.
Strictly follow the instructions for using the selected lotion. As a rule, it is enough to put a few drops into the auricle, massage the base of the ear and let the cat calmly shake its head. And you’re done, your ears will be clean!
How often should you clean your cat’s ears? For each pet, the frequency is individual. The procedure is carried out as it gets dirty. As a rule, no more than 1 time per week.
If desired, after the cat shakes its head, the auricle can be gently wiped with a cotton swab.
We save cotton buds for ourselves: they are not suitable for cats. Using them, you can injure the skin and eardrum.
If there is a lot of discharge in the ears, the cat often shakes its head, tries to scratch its head and tilts it to the side – contact your veterinarian immediately! These symptoms indicate a disease that requires immediate treatment. The ear is a sensitive organ located near the brain. You can’t run its state.
- After the procedure, be sure to treat the cat with a treat: she deserves it!
So that the cat is not afraid of leaving, act carefully, gently talk to her and treat her with treats, do not create stressful situations. Ideally, a cat will tolerate ear cleaning, nail clipping, and combing, because this is a good way to get a treat!
Best care for your pets!