How to choose the right kitten: what you need to know
Deciding to get a cat, you need to decide whether it will be an adult pet or a baby. Even at a young age, cats have a pronounced character, so it is necessary to think about which kitten will suit the lifestyle of the family. These graceful pets can live up to 20 years, so a long and happy life together awaits the owners!
What to look for when choosing a kitten? Perhaps some of these tips will help you get more than one pet, but several at once.
At what age can you take a kitten
You can take both a newborn and an older pet. Each age has its own characteristics.
A newborn kitten under the age of 4 weeks will require a lot of time and attention. Caring for him can bring great joy and pleasure. However, most kittens are not ready to go to a new home until they are 8-12 weeks old, when they are weaned and litter box trained. Until that age, they still need nutritious mother’s milk and fellowship with siblings.
How to determine the nature of the kitten when choosing
An important aspect of choosing a pet is finding the right temperament. To determine whether a cat will get along with the household, you need to sink to its level – in the literal sense of the word. To do this, you need to sit on the floor, stroke the cat and pick it up if it allows it.
You can ask the shelter staff or previous owners of the cat questions about her temperament and how she gets along with other cats and people. It is important to introduce the cat to all family members, including, if possible, other pets. But under no circumstances should she be forced to communicate with them.
Perhaps the pet is scared and shy simply because she is just getting to know the world around her. Also, the reason for this condition may lie in the fact that she is not very comfortable with a potential owner. This may be a sign that the cat is not suitable for the family, so you should slow down a bit and build interaction at the pace she needs.
A fluffy baby can be very cute, but it is extremely important to look beyond appearance. The choice of a kitten should also be made based on its character and how it suits the family. If the kitten is playful and energetic, you need to understand that he will need time and space for active games. If he is very affectionate and loves hugs, you will have to share a bed with him. Shelter consultants or breeders can tell you more about a kitten’s personality and how it behaves when no one is around.
If the family has other pets or children, you need to get their opinion on whether they like the kitten. The worst thing you can do is take a pet and then return it because it didn’t fit the family..
How to choose a healthy kitten
When choosing a pet, it is important to take an interest in his health, clarify the vaccinations made, and also whether he was castrated or sterilized. The kitten’s eyes, ears, and coat should be checked for irritation or signs of illness. It is essential to know about any health concerns before taking him home so that you are fully prepared to care for your pet.
How to prepare for a kitten
Before bringing a kitten home, you need to prepare everything you need. It is necessary to secure the home – remove the wires and cords of the curtains where the kitten cannot reach them, fix the window nets, close unsafe rooms. It is also necessary to put a clean tray and prepare one additional one.
Sharpening claws and hunting are natural feline instincts, so it is necessary to provide the kitten with scratching posts, toys and even a simple old cardboard box – he will definitely like it! Your baby’s diet is the basis for maintaining their energy levels. Choosing the best kitten food will help instill healthy eating habits in your cat for life.
After the owner decides on the pet, it is necessary to take him to the veterinarian for examination and discuss the vaccination schedule. A microchip is also recommended, which the Chicago Cat Clinic says is the best way to find a lost cat.
The appearance of a kitten in the house: acquaintance
At first, the baby may be a little shy, but gradually he will get used to the new place and begin to feel at home. Kittens should be gradually and as early as possible accustomed to any stimuli or procedures with which they will have to deal (for example, children, dogs, nail trimming, brushing teeth, brushing hair, driving a car, etc.). Once the kitten gets used to it, it will not be easy to tear him away from the games.
One of the easiest ways to accustom a kitten to a new home is to start small. In the early days, you can leave it in a small space, releasing only to play and go to the toilet. Then you need to gradually expand this territory until he is ready to get to know the whole house.
With a huge abundance of the cutest kittens, choosing a pet is not an easy task. But these recommendations will help you find the best furry friend.
See also:
How to Understand Your Kitten Why My Kitten Scratches Everything Possible Health Problems in Your Kitten Bringing a Kitten into the House