How to choose a degu?
Have you decided to get a degu? Congratulations! However, be careful when choosing an animal. There are several points that will help you make the right choice.
The happy life of the animal depends on its health and well-being. Therefore, when choosing a pet, it is necessary not only to carefully examine him, but also to assess the general health of his parents and brothers. Pay attention to the conditions of detention, the quality of care and the diet of rodents. Feel free to ask the breeders questions. Experienced, responsible breeders will be happy to support a dialogue and share their experience with you.
Chilean squirrel is best purchased at the age of 1,5 to 2 months. At this time, the rodents have already ceased to feed on mother’s milk, they have formed strong immunity, and basic behavioral skills have been established. At the same time, little degus are still children, they are full of energy and open to new knowledge and acquaintance with the world.
Make sure that degu girls aged 1,5 months. were kept separately from male degus. Otherwise, you run the risk of acquiring a pregnant “baby”.
A healthy degu is active and agile. He is not afraid and does not run away from a person in an attempt to hide, but on the contrary, he studies a stranger with curiosity. He has a thick, smooth and even coat, without lumps and bald patches, his eyes, nose and ears are clean, without strong secretions, and there are no redness and sores on the skin.
Having decided on the choice of a pet and bringing it home, do not rush to immediately put it in a new cage. Moving is a huge stress for a degu, because he has never seen the world outside the walls of the room where his cage is. Take part of the litter from the rodent’s former place of residence. Feeling familiar smells in the new house, he will quickly cope with stress.
Degus are the friendliest and most contact domestic rodents. Due to their funny appearance, which evokes associations with jerboas, their excellent character, unpretentiousness and exceptional cleanliness, Chilean squirrels are becoming more and more popular every day. Add to this intelligence, talent for training and affection for the owner – and it becomes clear that it is impossible not to admire these nimble kids.
We wish you a pleasant acquaintance with a new member of the family!