How to choose a cage for a rabbit?
Decided to get a rabbit? Congratulations! But before the baby appears in your house, equip a home for him. In our today’s statLet’s talk about what cages for rabbits should be.
9 easy tips for choosing a rabbit hutch
- The bigger, the better.
Remember a simple rule: there are no small cells. The larger the cage, the more comfortable the rabbit will be.
Most rabbit cages sold in pet stores are actually more suitable for rodents, and rabbits are cramped in them. The minimum recommended cage size for a dwarf rabbit is 45 x 80 cm.
Rabbits grow very fast. Therefore, even if you take a very tiny animal, it is better to immediately buy a cage “for growth”.
- What if there are two rabbits?
Then the cell should be twice as large – and this is at least. The most compact cage for two medium-sized rabbits: 150 in length and 60 in width and height. Less is undesirable.
- To fit the entire inventory!
In addition to the rabbits in the cage, you will need to install a house, a tray, a feeder, a drinking bowl, a mineral stone, some toys … At the same time, the rabbit should have a lot of space for running and playing. Keep this in mind when choosing a model.
- What if there is no roof?
The cage can be with a lid, or maybe without, this is an aviary. Both options are allowed. The main thing is the height of the walls: the rabbit should not be able to escape. And the cover also protects the rabbit from sudden uninvited guests. If there are children or other pets in the house who can “attack” the baby from above, it is better to choose models with a lid.
- The metal cage is a classic of practicality.
Metal cages are the strongest and most durable. They are easy to clean and will not deteriorate from moisture and disinfectant. We encourage you to opt for them!
- Plastic pallet – comfort for the paws.
Rabbits have very sensitive paws, and the floor of the cage should never be mesh. A flat plastic pallet is the ideal choice. Plus, it’s easy to wash.
- Cage by cage, but don’t forget about the house!
A cage is something like a walking yard for a rabbit. But what about the house itself? In addition to the cage, the pet should have a shelter for rest and sleep. Be sure to set up a comfortable house in the cage and try not to disturb the rabbit while he is in it.
- The compartments are useful.
A big advantage of the cage is the presence of compartments. They are indispensable if there are several rabbits in order to periodically divide the space between them. But even if you have one pet, the compartments will make it very easy to clean the cage.
- Behind the castle as behind a stone wall!
And the last. All cage doors must close tightly. Escape is only cool in the movies. In practice, unauthorized forays of a rabbit out of a cage can cost him health and even life.
Be careful and take care of your little friends!