How to choose a cage for a guinea pig
It’s been years since I’ve been selling cages and I’ve heard a lot of questions about guinea pig cages. Today I would like to answer some of them, as well as dwell on those cell brands that are represented in Russia.
The Russian market of manufacturers is not diverse. Almost 90% of cells sold in Central Russia are produced in St. Petersburg by ZOOMARK. With all the scarcity of the assortment (about 15 items), it must be said that the manufacturer almost completely covered all consumers.
В Сибири сильные позиции занимают клетки Зоомастер (Новосибирск). Мало известна в Центральной России, хотя с конца 2004 года проникает. Широкий ассортимент. Выдвижной поддон практически у всех клеток. Все разбираются. Удача — дизайн клеток. Цены низкие. Иногда подводит качество.
The most common brand of foreign cages is INTR-ZOO (Poland). The assortment of this company is most often found in our Moscow stores, and in the regions it has long been not uncommon. The main reasons are good quality, low prices compared to other foreign analogues, regular deliveries to the Russian market. Cages for guinea pigs are available in different sizes (50cm, 60cm, 70cm, 1000cm). There is also a galvanized and coated version. For pigs who like to chew on rods, a galvanized coating is better. But the paint on the Polish cells is not so easy to gnaw. And it’s not as bad as it’s commonly believed. Galvanization is 10-15% more expensive than paint. I will especially note the 1000 cm cage. Today in Russia this is the only company that offers a cage of this size at an affordable price (there are analogues among the Italian cages FOP, FERPLAST – but they are much more expensive). All cages for guinea pigs have an entrance on the side – if the cages are one on one or the animal runs around the house, the most convenient option.
Now about the Italians. FOP (LLC SORSO). FERPLAST (LLC ARTEMIDA) . Eternal competitors in the Moscow zoo market of elite housing. Based on them, we can judge the direction in which Europe is moving. It was in the Ferplasta catalog that I first saw a cage with a back colored plastic background in the form of a forest. Similar to the aquarium background. Europe is fighting for design, improving the filling of cages, houses of various shapes, wheels, tunnels, feeders, balls, plastic tunnels, drinking bowls, toilets. The description will take more than one page. I will focus on one product, popular and affordable – “a plastic container with a transparent top” – as buyers call it – a cult product. Produced by both companies. They are usually called the same, as it is written in the Ferplasta catalog – MINI DUNA (mini dune) and simply DUNA. Mini dune – 55/39/27 – nothing included. Opens at the top with a metal grate. Just Dune – 72 cm long. Various modifications are produced, with different content – floors, houses, wheels, bowls, etc. Due to this, the price rises greatly. With filling suitable for hamsters, rats, mice. Filling bases – guinea pigs, rabbits. The main demand is in this option. But remember – you also need a special drinking bowl with suction cups (there is already a hole for the spout).
Осталось вспомнить ещё китайские клетки. Все китайские клетки разборные. Все с наполнением. Разный размер поддона. Все отличаются яркими красками, ярким дизайном и низкими ценами. По-моему, клетки фирмы TESORO качеством получше, и дизайн получше, поилки не протекают. У этой же фирмы я нашёл клетку для морской свинки с оригинальным поддоном (разборная, оцинкованная) — металлическая решетка пола прикреплена к стенкам клетки, если отстегнуть крепления от поддона, то можно поднять клетку вместе со зверем и вымыть поддон. Аналогов нигде не встречал. Кроме того, каждый год фирма предлагает новинки.
© Alexey Semenychev
For more information about the important points when choosing a cage, read the article “Cage for a guinea pig”
It’s been years since I’ve been selling cages and I’ve heard a lot of questions about guinea pig cages. Today I would like to answer some of them, as well as dwell on those cell brands that are represented in Russia.
The Russian market of manufacturers is not diverse. Almost 90% of cells sold in Central Russia are produced in St. Petersburg by ZOOMARK. With all the scarcity of the assortment (about 15 items), it must be said that the manufacturer almost completely covered all consumers.
В Сибири сильные позиции занимают клетки Зоомастер (Новосибирск). Мало известна в Центральной России, хотя с конца 2004 года проникает. Широкий ассортимент. Выдвижной поддон практически у всех клеток. Все разбираются. Удача — дизайн клеток. Цены низкие. Иногда подводит качество.
The most common brand of foreign cages is INTR-ZOO (Poland). The assortment of this company is most often found in our Moscow stores, and in the regions it has long been not uncommon. The main reasons are good quality, low prices compared to other foreign analogues, regular deliveries to the Russian market. Cages for guinea pigs are available in different sizes (50cm, 60cm, 70cm, 1000cm). There is also a galvanized and coated version. For pigs who like to chew on rods, a galvanized coating is better. But the paint on the Polish cells is not so easy to gnaw. And it’s not as bad as it’s commonly believed. Galvanization is 10-15% more expensive than paint. I will especially note the 1000 cm cage. Today in Russia this is the only company that offers a cage of this size at an affordable price (there are analogues among the Italian cages FOP, FERPLAST – but they are much more expensive). All cages for guinea pigs have an entrance on the side – if the cages are one on one or the animal runs around the house, the most convenient option.
Now about the Italians. FOP (LLC SORSO). FERPLAST (LLC ARTEMIDA) . Eternal competitors in the Moscow zoo market of elite housing. Based on them, we can judge the direction in which Europe is moving. It was in the Ferplasta catalog that I first saw a cage with a back colored plastic background in the form of a forest. Similar to the aquarium background. Europe is fighting for design, improving the filling of cages, houses of various shapes, wheels, tunnels, feeders, balls, plastic tunnels, drinking bowls, toilets. The description will take more than one page. I will focus on one product, popular and affordable – “a plastic container with a transparent top” – as buyers call it – a cult product. Produced by both companies. They are usually called the same, as it is written in the Ferplasta catalog – MINI DUNA (mini dune) and simply DUNA. Mini dune – 55/39/27 – nothing included. Opens at the top with a metal grate. Just Dune – 72 cm long. Various modifications are produced, with different content – floors, houses, wheels, bowls, etc. Due to this, the price rises greatly. With filling suitable for hamsters, rats, mice. Filling bases – guinea pigs, rabbits. The main demand is in this option. But remember – you also need a special drinking bowl with suction cups (there is already a hole for the spout).
Осталось вспомнить ещё китайские клетки. Все китайские клетки разборные. Все с наполнением. Разный размер поддона. Все отличаются яркими красками, ярким дизайном и низкими ценами. По-моему, клетки фирмы TESORO качеством получше, и дизайн получше, поилки не протекают. У этой же фирмы я нашёл клетку для морской свинки с оригинальным поддоном (разборная, оцинкованная) — металлическая решетка пола прикреплена к стенкам клетки, если отстегнуть крепления от поддона, то можно поднять клетку вместе со зверем и вымыть поддон. Аналогов нигде не встречал. Кроме того, каждый год фирма предлагает новинки.
© Alexey Semenychev
For more information about the important points when choosing a cage, read the article “Cage for a guinea pig”