How to catch a dove with your hands: bird-friendly ways of catching

How to catch a dove with your hands: bird-friendly ways of catching

There are forest birds, and there are those who have adapted to live next to a person and eat from his table. These birds include sparrows, crows and, of course, doves. Pigeons are bred and kept in their dovecotes by lovers of beautiful birds. For a new rare copy, they are happy to pay a decent amount. But such amateurs catch a dove simply by stretching out their hand, because he has it at home. And how to catch an ordinary yard bird?

Feathered character

Wild pigeons live in flocks and settle in the attics of multi-storey buildings. They form pairs and live together all their lives. The bird is very trusting and easy to feed. The flock knows its breadwinners well and always flocks to the right place when it sees the right person. But birds will peck at spilled food only in an open place, where they can fly away freely.

Near the wall of the house, food can lie untouched for a week until sparrows peck at it. This behavior indicates caution, because the wall closes the view and, in case of danger, is an obstacle to taking off. Therefore, with apparent availability, bird is hard to catch.

Why catch pigeons

The reasons why the city pigeon is caught are different:

  • for eating;
  • to help an injured individual;
  • to show dexterity or torment.

In the well-known 90s of the last century, city courtyards were empty. People in most regions did not receive salaries for months, there was nothing to feed the children. During this period, hiding from neighbors, men climbed at night into the attics of houses and removed sleeping pigeons from the rafters. They themselves were ashamed of their actions, but it was necessary to feed a hungry family, so they remembered edible birds.

Fishing methods

It is not difficult to catch a trusting and curious inhabitant of the yard. Over the centuries, the bird has ceased to be afraid of a person so much that it was impossible to approach it. Feathers are afraid of cats and dogs, but they trust a person. By the way, the reaction of a person and his vision is much weaker than that of a dove. Therefore, you can feed the bird from your hand or at close range, but catch is problematic. You can catch a pigeon:

  • in a loop;
  • in snares;
  • network from below;
  • box;
  • lured into the room.

How to catch a pigeon is a simple science. Catch birds and boys out of daring and curiosity. Here, peers compete to see who is more dexterous. They build snares, lay out nets on the pavement and pour lure in order to quickly roll it up and count the catch. Only then comes grief to the hunters from their fathers.

An expensive fishing net gets tangled under a fluttering flock so that you have to cut the cells. Birds are also injured, and if they manage to escape, they fly with a fringe of thread and again they can get confused somewhere.

Catch a bird in a trap

Here’s how to catch a pigeon by luring it into a box with one side up on a prop. Such food trap will collect several hungry birds if a path of sunflower seeds or grain is poured under it. There should also be enough complementary foods in the box, closer to the far wall of the box.

A flock that is carried away by feeding will not notice the danger from a catcher sitting at a distance, who will knock down the stick with a jerk of the rope and the box will cover the whole company.

One subtlety – birds just won’t go into the box, it’s dangerous. The upper part must be transparent and the sky must be visible through it, only then the prey will enter it. You can cover the top with a mosquito net. The box should be cardboard, light, do not hurt the birds, and after the fall, immediately adhere so that the flying flock does not turn the trap over.

Catch an injured pigeon

To release the injured pigeon from the loop that pulls its legs together, you should try to catch the pigeon with your hands. Usually a caring person who feeds birds notices such a pigeon misfortune. He should try to catch an already baited bird.

You can do it by hand luring a flock of seeds or grain. At the same time, you need to feed, squatting down and trying to be closer to the intended individual. It happens that the bird herself comes closer to such a nurse and allows herself to be caught.

Trap – apartment

Как catch a pigeon and not injure, there are many ways. One of them will be to lure the pigeon to the windowsill, and then deep into the room. If you constantly feed pigeons on the slope of the window, then it will not be difficult to lure the bird into the room. The seeds poured on the slope continue to fall to the bird on the windowsill and then they can be clearly seen on the stool placed by the window, on the floor.

While the pigeon is pecking, you should stay close to the open transom and quickly close it. In order not to break the prey on the closed glass, quickly attach the net where the bird is beating, and it is yours. From the balcony in this way it will be even easier to catch.

There are also traps arranged on the principle of letting everyone in and not letting anyone out. Closed-loop, mesh-fenced chain-link with an open entrance with rods deflecting inwards. The filled path from the bait leads deep into the contour. The bird enters through light rods that let the catch pass, and then they fall into place, and there is no way out. But this device is difficult to manufacture and used by professional fishermen.

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