How to care for, how to feed snails at home and easy care for snails
What association did snails cause in many until recently? They were talked about as pests or French delicacies, and they disgusted many people. But the fact that they can become once beloved pets was out of the question. Why do most people now prefer them? Everything is very simple – these mollusks have a great advantage over many pets.
What are the advantages of snails as pets
These harmless creatures don’t make any noise and they don’t smell at all. From them, a person cannot develop an allergy. They require very little space in the apartment, which attracts many. They don’t need a lot of money to take care of. This is an ideal pet option for people who, as part of their work, have to be away from home for a long time. Even a child will find it easy to take care of them.
Many owners of these animals attribute to them fantastic abilities that have not been proven by science. They claim that they easily recognize their owners and avoid any contact with a stranger. If a domestic snail gets used to a person, it does not hide in a shell, and may even allow you to stroke its soft body.
How to care for land snails? In order for such an exotic pet to be comfortable, a terrarium or something like that is needed. An important condition is that the material from which the house for the domestic snail is made should in no case be toxic. The presence of a cover and ventilation holes is mandatory.
In addition to the terrarium you will also need:
- Priming. It can be ordinary earth, coconut substrate or moss;
- A couple of plates for food;
- A bath made of soft materials that will not harm the snail shell if the pet falls while bathing;
- A thermometer with which you can control the temperature in the snail’s house;
- Personal sponges for cleaning the terrarium and pet sink, which have never been touched by detergent;
- Spray. The water in it must be clean and settled.
How to care for a snail?
At its core, this creature is an inhabitant of the subtropics. Therefore, the snail’s house should have a constantly warm and slightly humid climate. Most snails prefer normal room temperature of 23-25 degrees. But some of them are sometimes cold at this temperature, so an additional room heater may be required.
In order for the domestic snail to feel perfectly comfortable, certain humidity is required. This is one of the main conditions for its habitat. It is easy to achieve with daily spraying with a spray bottle, the presence of soil and a snail bath. If this pet has problems with appetite, the snail has become lethargic and inactive, buried deep in the ground, then there are some problems with humidity. It is necessary to immediately correct the situation, otherwise the snail may die.
Cleanliness is also an important condition for the favorable existence of this pet. In the terrarium, it is imperative to remove food debris and excrement once a day. With a damp sponge without detergent, it is necessary to wash the animal’s house, the change of land depends on the degree of its contamination.
In the last decade, there has been a large number of different types snails. They differ significantly from each other not only in size and color, but also in the shape of the shell and body. These different species should not be placed in one terrarium. Firstly, not all snails are suitable for certain conditions of detention. Secondly, even if they require the same humidity and temperature, they cannot always tolerate each other’s company. Such an undesirable neighborhood can lead to pet stress, poor appetite and growth.
Snail nutrition
The diet of this mollusk mainly includes vegetables, fruits and greens. A special delicacy for them are apples, cucumbers, carrots and zucchini. You need to take care of land pets with knowledge of their habits. Most of them very quickly get used to the monotonous food and do not want to eat anything else. This slows down their growth and development. To prevent this from happening, mollusks need a varied diet. The use of spicy, salty and fried foods in the menu is strictly prohibited.
Indispensable in the food of land mollusks are calcium, grain mixture and animal protein. If all this is present in the pet menu, they will be beautiful, healthy and with a strong shell. Pounded eggshells are perfect, which can be sprinkled on the snail’s juicy food or simply left in a terrarium in a separate container. A source of calcium is also powdered or lumpy chalk. Thanks to him, the snail shell becomes beautiful and strong. Feeding these mollusks is a pleasure. You can watch their meal for hours, which is quite interesting and entertaining.
They enjoy swimming very much. This is probably their favorite activity. It is during bathing that you can see all their charm and beauty, have plenty to talk with them. During the adoption of water procedures, these mollusks become more open and do not even attempt to hide in their shell. For bathing, you need a weak stream of barely warm water.
It’s better to hold it in your palm, it may be on the sink detergent residue, which act on the snail like poison. If contact with the animal is not initially established, the best way to do this is to bathe her. So, the snail quickly gets used to the person. This should be done once or twice a week. But many hosts do it much more often. They are pleased to observe the genuine joy and delight of their pet.
Mollusks are most active in the morning and evening. It is at this time of day that all households are at home and can enjoy watching these cute creatures. Many people compare these molluscs to aquarium fish. It is this soothing therapy that both have. It is said that snails can easily relieve stress and calm their owner.
There are a few rulesthat every person who wants to see a land snail as their pet should know:
- Vegetables and fruits must be carefully treated with water before being given to the mollusk;
- In no case should you put the snails at risk, do not feed them with spoiled food;
- Salty, spicy, smoked, pickled, sweet foods are contraindicated for these pets;
- Contact of an animal with household chemicals can be life-threatening;
- A dirty and waterlogged terrarium can lead to a variety of shellfish diseases;
- If one of the snails had the slightest ailment, it must be immediately removed from all the others until it recovers.
Thinking about choosing a pet, you should not think for a long time. The snail is exactly what you need. Caring for snails is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Picky Clam does not need complex care and does not require the constant presence of household members. It is important to properly feed and provide proper care. Small expenses for its maintenance, and in return, devotion and soothing therapy.