How to bathe and wash red-eared turtles

Red-eared turtles live in fresh water. Domestic reptiles need aquaterrariums. Just like free brothers, they spend most of the day swimming. Bathing the red-eared turtle, as well as other representatives of aquatic breeds, is possible, but not necessary. Usually this is done as needed, or for medicinal purposes.
Principles of safe swimming
To wash the red-eared turtle at home, it is recommended to purchase a water thermometer. The body of cold-blooded animals does not have the ability to independently regulate body heat, so violation of the regimen can cause unpleasant consequences. The water temperature for bathing a turtle should be between 30-35 ° C.
It is dangerous to leave an animal under a stream from a tap, because of the likelihood of temperature changes in the pipes.
A reptile can defecate into a basin at any time, and the water will definitely need to be changed. It is more convenient to prepare a supply of warm liquid in advance so as not to be distracted by temperature control, and not accidentally scald or overcool the pet.
The container for water procedures must contain the entire animal. It is desirable that the design does not allow the reptile to get out on its own. Even a small turtle should not be washed over the sink in the air. This is a guarantee of the owner’s convenience and will prevent accidental falls.
Dirt is washed off with a soft sponge or rag. The use of brushes, hard surfaces and abrasives damages the skin and the protective layer of the carapace.
Affected areas become vulnerable to fungus and infections. Usually clean water and a soft cloth are enough to bathe the turtle.
Detergents have a pungent odor that will interfere with the animal long after the procedure. Elevated ph dries delicate skin, so you should not wash your turtle with soap unless absolutely necessary. The composition may contain dyes and flavors that are toxic to reptiles. From persistent pollution, it is permissible to use baby hypoallergenic soap, but not more than once a week.
Technique and tricks
Washing a red-eared turtle is easier if it is in a good mood. A hungry pet will bite and fight back. A tamed and calm reptile is easy to wash alone. If the turtle is not accustomed to humans, an assistant may be needed.
Before swimming, you must prepare in advance:
- water supply;
- bathing container;
- thermometer;
- rags, or a soft sponge;
- towel.
If during the procedure procedures are planned to clean the shell from algae or stubborn dirt, special products must be added to the list.
After the water is prepared, the animal is placed in a basin. Wetting the sponge with warm water, gently wipe the paws, tail and shell of the turtle. If necessary, a little soap is first applied to it. From the detergent, the reptile should be thoroughly rinsed with clean water.
It is important to avoid positioning the reptile with the plastron up, as this will allow water and soap to enter the eyes, nostrils, and mouth, and often cause active resistance.
That’s right – after bathing, wipe the turtle dry with a towel, even if after it goes to the aquarium. This is necessary so that detergents do not accidentally get into the water.
If the turtle retracts its head, you can try pouring a thin stream of water over the front of the shell. The method is suitable only if soap was not used. Usually reptiles react to this by stretching their neck, which will allow them to rinse it.
Water additives
If minor inflammation or scratches are visible on the skin, and for the prevention of fungus, red-eared turtles are bathed in manganese. A solution with a strength of 1% will not harm the animal if you do not use the product too often. Potassium permanganate has an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents the development of fungal spores.
If the tap water contains too much chlorine and is hard, you should first defend it, or clean it with a filter.
Experienced owners use herbal decoctions for pet baths. Common chamomile and alder cones are especially popular. They have a beneficial effect on the skin of the reptile. Plants are conveniently brewed in a glass and poured into a container through a sieve.
How to bathe and wash red-eared turtles
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