How to avoid a bee sting? Important recommendations
“How to avoid bee sting?” – many people ask with concern, because this adventure definitely brings no one joy. Taste unpleasant, uncomfortable, and generally harmful to people with allergies to death! So how come alert this event?
How to avoid a bee sting working on your image
dress code, oddly enough, there should be not only for example, at work, but also when meeting with stinging insects:
- Perfume or cologne is fine, but not if there are bees nearby. Having wondered how to avoid a bee sting, you need to give up perfume. The fact is that they are very attracted to the strong aroma emanating from a person. And almost certainly the insect will prefer to sit on the guest, which will cause panic and excessive activity.
- But other pungent odors are not the best companions. For example, excessive sweating or sillage after alcohol can be very let down.
- Certain colors of bees are very interesting. So, bright colored clothes will attract them just like fresh flowers. But it’s too early for fans of the dark scale to rejoice! Bees, according to experts, are also annoyed by dark shades: for example, black, dark blue and even gray colors will affect them, as they say, “like a red rag on a bull.” The thing is that insects have an association with predators that destroy nests. Bears, martens how they carry dark fur. But light shades of bees are not interested and do not frighten. Any beekeeper knows that it is preferable to dress up in white, light green, light blue, peach, light pink.
- Fluffy clothes are also not the best solution. Again, the fact is that the insect may decide that a predator has come to visit it.
- Loose clothing is another mistake. It costs nothing for a small insect to fly into a wide leg or sleeve. Of course, few people can resist panic at such a moment, which, in turn, will frighten the bee.
- You can’t walk barefoot! The fact is that bees pollinate clover, and wasps sometimes create nests on the ground. Accidentally stepping on a plant or a nest with an insect inside, it is quite possible to get a negative reaction. Shoes will help with this, but if a person decides to walk barefoot, you will not envy him.
- Long hair is another risk factor. Insects can become entangled in them. From this, both it and the owner of the hair will be frightened. Therefore, it is best to tie the curls into a knot. Better yet, cover them with a scarf or some kind of headdress.
- If you still don’t want to endure a picnic, but there is some kind of risk factor like unwanted clothes or loose hair, you need to make a fire. The more smoke, the better. That is, wet branches are preferred for kindling. Abundant smoke frightens bees – they immediately turn around and fly into the hive to save honey. In a word, they are clearly not up to suspicious uninvited guests.
Recommendations regarding behavior
А here is how it is recommended to behave, meeting a bee
- If there is a suspicion that there nearby insects, it is better not to arrange picnic. Fruits, sweets and sweet sparkling water is very attractive for bees. But hornets and wasps are meat eaters. Thus, if you don’t want to cancel meal, it is worth adjusting the menu depending on which insect is nearby.
- Opening some sweet drink make sure the bee didn’t dive in a jar or glass. If you relax, it is very easy to miss this moment. Between meanwhile, a bite in the mouth is much more dangerous than in other places.
- Incidentally, recommended and leave no residue food, throw garbage nearby. Accuracy, of course, is always necessary, but some neglect it. What fraught in the future, as it turned out, even bites.
- If it so happened that the bees were very close, you need to calm down. Как no matter how great the desire to wave hands, scream and run, it’s not worth it to do this. All it is most likely provoke a bite. But if you do take a deep breath, then exhale and freeze, the bee will fly away. She will just try determine who is in front of her. Making sure that a person is not a flower – she is right there will lose all interest.
- If the person is in the car, he is better keep windows closed. Caught in salon insects start to get nervous, strenuously looking for a way to freedom. And may well get the bite of a frightened insect.
- If there is an active honey collection, it’s not worth it pass by the hive. Depending on the species of bee, it is possible to determine and safe distance. So, some insects are not touched by a passerby who walks further than 3 meters, others should be bypassed and at all for 10 meters! In other words, the further – all the better.
A bee, a wasp, a bumblebee and a hornet will never just chase a prey because they feel like it. In fact, these insects will try to avoid humans to the last. And only if the latter, consciously or not, invades their space and begins to pose a threat, the insects will rush to attack. The problem is that you can become an enemy by accident. And in order to prevent this from happening, provocations should be avoided as much as possible.