How to adapt a kitten to a new home?
It should be understood that it is better to take a kitten from its mother no earlier than 12–16 weeks. Up to this age, he is still too dependent on her. If a kitten is weaned too early, mental problems may develop, as well as a decrease in immunity, since it is the cat’s milk that allows it to be maintained in the first weeks of life. Difficulties with the process of adaptation to new conditions are not excluded. Therefore, it is best to wait until the age of 3-4 months to take the already slightly grown kitten to a new home. But in this case, you should pay attention to all the nuances.
First of all, you should take care of the comfortable moving of a new family member: the kitten must be transported in a carrier, then it will be better protected from external stimuli that can frighten it. It is advisable to put a familiar toy or familiar bedding inside so that he can smell his own.
Rules of Conduct
It is very important at first not to create additional stressful situations for the new tenant: miss him, do not frighten him with sudden movements and loud sounds, do not scream. If there are children in the house, they need to be explained that the kitten is a living creature for which all family members are responsible, and not just another toy. You should not try to immediately consider and get to know him with the whole family.
Creating a stir around a new pet is a gross mistake, because for him it will be very stressful.
Having reached the house, the owner should calmly open the carrier in which the kitten traveled, and release it into the apartment without unnecessary sounds and movements. Let him get used to it a little. There are times when a kitten completely refuses to go out or, on the contrary, runs headlong under the sofa. It’s okay, you should not try to get it from a secluded place. On the contrary, the calmer and quieter you react, the better.
Hazard Protection
Once a kitten decides to explore a new home, make sure the new environment is safe for them. It is necessary to limit access to wires, high chairs, close windows and remove all sharp objects. The curiosity of a kitten can turn into trouble.
In addition, if there are other animals in the house, acquaintance with them should occur gradually. In no case should you let them near the kitten on the first day. This is especially true for adult cats and dogs. At first, it is better to hold a kitten in your arms, and limit dating sessions. If the animals hiss at each other, it’s okay, this is a normal reaction, it will pass with time.
Important point:
Before you get a kitten, make sure that the dog with which he will live in the same house is socialized and able to find a common language with other animals.
Feeding and care
An important issue is feeding the kitten after moving. You should ask the breeder in advance what kind of food the baby is used to. If you have chosen a different brand of food, go on it should be smooth. Do not change the meal plan, frequency of feeding and size of servings drastically, as this can lead to digestive problems. From the very first days, you need to show your pet that you can’t eat food from the host’s table.
Feeding an animal is strictly prohibited. Firstly, this way you can instill bad eating habits, and secondly, it will definitely not benefit the pet’s gastrointestinal tract, because human food is not suitable for pets.
It is important to take care of a new family member, for this you need to understand what he may need.
Things to buy for a kitten:
Tray and filler;
Bowls for food and water;
small house;
Veterinary first aid kit;
Carrier and diaper;
Bathing shampoo (if necessary).
Remember that a kitten is the same child who is not against games, fun and entertainment. Moreover, through physical activity, he learns the world. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase several toys. for a pet: joint games will bring pleasure to the whole family.
Usually, if you follow simple rules, the adaptation of a kitten is quite easy and fast. Maximum love and patience will speed up the process and make it especially enjoyable.