How to accustom a kitten to a place to sleep?
However, unlike dogs, with whom it is easy enough to negotiate a place to sleep, with a cat, it is often much more difficult. So how do you teach a kitten to sleep where the owners want it, and not where it pleases?
Choosing a bed
First of all, you need to take into account that the place that you define for the cat in your house should be comfortable, fairly closed, it should be easy to get to both food and the tray from it. And, of course, the kitten must like it.

Pet stores offer a large selection of cat beds, but they can be conditionally divided into three groups: closed houses, baskets and hammocks. If financial opportunities allow, it is worth purchasing all the options and giving the animal the opportunity to choose where it will be more convenient for him to sleep. If there is no financial opportunity, then you need to carefully observe the pet. If the baby likes to sleep in open soft spaces (for example, on the sofa), then most likely he will have nothing against the basket. If the kitten sleeps exclusively in secluded, darkened places (under the bed, in a closet, in a box), then most likely a house is more suitable for him. Hammocks are convenient in that they can be hung from a radiator, which will please most cats.
When choosing a permanent place for your pet to sleep, consider his preferences. If the kitten has chosen a corner between the sofa and the window, then, most likely, if there is a bed there, he will happily use it. It is also important to remember that in no case should you put a cat bed on the aisle or in a place where there are constant drafts, since it is unlikely that the kitten will sleep in it.
We teach to bed
When you bring a new item into the house, especially one that you hope will become your cat’s favorite resting place, gently introduce your cat to it. In no case should a kitten be forced into a house or into a basket. This can scare or frighten him, and he will never want to sleep in the bed you have chosen.
The easiest way is to leave a basket, a house or a hammock in a conspicuous place and give the kitten the opportunity to familiarize himself with them. To attract the attention of a pet, you can sprinkle a bed with a decoction of valerian or catnip. Cats love the smell of these plants and are likely to accept the novelty favorably.

You can also put a thing with the smell of a pet inside (for example, your favorite blanket or sheet). So it will be much easier for the cat to adapt to the bed, which will increase the chances that this is where the pet will sleep.