How my cat helped me deal with anxiety

How my cat helped me deal with anxiety

There are many benefits to the idea of ​​having a cat, but one of the most important is that you get a permanent life partner. Your furry friend-turned-family cat is always there and brings a safe and comforting constancy to the lives of people with anxiety. Yes, someone can reap the benefits of cat therapy (as pet-assisted therapy is called) by visiting a “rented” furry friend, but it’s much better to have your own pet in the house.

Anxiety can hit a person at any age, but it is especially difficult to deal with it during adolescence and in young years. Here is what the American Psychological Association writes: “Teens report that their stress levels during the school year far exceed what they consider healthy (5,8 versus 3,9 on a 10-point scale) and exceed the average adult stress level (5,8 .5,1 in adolescents compared to XNUMX in adults)”. What can an anxious student or student do to feel more calm and confident?

Here is the story of Kennedy, a girl struggling with anxiety. She recently adopted a kitten and got it certified as a therapy cat so she can take it to college as part of her anxiety treatment plan.

How my cat helped me deal with anxietyKennedy and Carolina go to college

In adolescence, anxiety can arise for a variety of reasons – leaving school, moving away from your parents, starting life in college – and dealing with it is not easy. Kennedy, a freshman at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, knew she would need support as she entered college. She left her home, but she does not live in a dorm surrounded by other freshmen experiencing the same feelings and going through the same changes. Kennedy rents an off-campus apartment, and although her neighbors are also college students, she has to put in the extra effort to make new friends, because it’s not easy when a person suffers from anxiety.

Kennedy says: “I have always been prone to anxiety, but over the past two years it has grown exponentially. Before I got a kitten, I used to paint pictures, watch TV or go jogging to deal with my anxiety.”

Many teenagers strive for independence, but in young people who are prone to anxiety, joyful excitement can be mixed with confusion. Kennedy says: “I started thinking about getting a kitten for therapeutic purposes about a year ago, but I didn’t dare to do it until it was the end of my senior year at school, when I realized that big changes were ahead of me … and college “.

So she went to a local animal shelter to find a kitten that could be a therapy animal and help her deal with her anxiety. There are so many animals in shelters that need a home that choosing the right pet can be quite difficult. “I knew it was my cat when I saw how gentle she was and how she began to scrape the cage with her paw as I headed for the door.” Kennedy named the kitten Carolina, and they began preparing for college life together.

Getting Karolina was the perfect solution: the benefits of having a cat in the house are obvious. Kennedy says: “My anxiety has definitely lessened, especially during the transition period of starting an independent life. I love my kitten. It’s the best feeling in the world to come home after a long day and go into my room and see this cute furry animal sleeping in my bed.” The benefits of having a cat in the house to soothe your frustrated feelings are invaluable.

How my cat helped me deal with anxietyBenefits of cat therapy

Kennedy immediately registered Carolina as a therapy cat. Pet therapy is beneficial for all age groups, and as with Kennedy, it’s especially important during stressful college years. Knowing firsthand how great Caroline has been in her fight against anxiety, Kennedy wants to share this gift with others. Although the girl has no specific plans to bring Karolina into the community as a therapy cat, she sometimes invites friends to relax and play with her kitten. “I invite people (that I know) who are in a stressful situation to my place to stay with my cat. She is the cutest bunch of energy, and it usually cheers people up! I have not yet thought about taking her to therapy sessions outside the home, as she is still very small.” Perhaps in the future, Kennedy will be able to take his pet to a nursing home or a children’s hospital to cheer up other people.

Adopting a kitten was a strategic decision for Kennedy. An anxiety sufferer becomes calmer when he focuses on the needs of others, and a pet is a great distraction. However, sometimes too much responsibility can in itself cause anxiety. Kennedy chose to get a therapy cat over a dog in part because of the level of responsibility required. She says, “It’s a lot easier with a therapy cat than with a dog because cats are very independent and I don’t have to worry too much about her when I go to class or go out late.”

The story of Kennedy and Carolina is not uncommon. One of the advantages of a cat in the house is its ability to calm its owners. A person suffering from anxiety is glad for any help, especially from his purring companion.

If you’re considering getting a cat to deal with anxiety, great! With a little training and a lot of love, your cat will make a great addition to your family. And remember: if you get a cat, peace will come in two lives at once – in your own and in the life of a cat that is looking for a home.

Contributor Bio

How my cat helped me deal with anxiety

Erin Ollila

Erin Ollila is a pet lover who believes in the power of the word, that her articles can benefit people and their animals and even change them. You can find her on Twitter @ReinventingErin or learn more about her at

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