How much does a kitten weigh?
The weight of a kitten is influenced by various factors. Usually newborn kittens weigh from 80 to 140 g, on average – about 90 g. But a lot depends on the breed: for example, Maine Coon kittens weigh 130–150 g.
Weight of a month old kitten
The fastest growth is observed during the first month of life. A kitten can add up to 15 g per day. By the end of the month, it can already weigh 450–500 g.
Weight of a two-month-old kitten
At this age, the baby is already gradually eating solid food. But, since its activity also increases, the rate of weight gain may slow down. Usually after two months it weighs 1–1,5 kg.
Weight of a three-month-old kitten
Now actively growing kitten prefers solid food. Males and females begin to differ from each other in size and weight. At three months, a kitten weighs 1,5–2,3 kg.
XNUMX month old kitten weight
At this age, a kitten may be limited to four meals a day, but its weight continues to grow. Depending on the breed and gender, its weight is usually 2–4,2 kg.
XNUMX month old kitten weight
By this time, the kittens are already growing, if at all, much more slowly. They eat three times a day, and their weight is 2–4,8 kg. In the future, the females will hardly change, while the males will continue to build muscle mass.
Why should a kitten be weighed?
If the pet has a good appetite, has not lost weight, has not gained weight and looks healthy, there is no need to weigh. But sometimes it’s necessary. The reasons are different:
- It is necessary to calculate the daily ration. For example, if you picked up a kitten on the street and do not know how old he is, then by weighing you can find out how much food he needs.
- To determine the dose of a drug. Often, in order to find out the dosage of drugs, you need to know how much the pet weighs; as a rule, it is indicated per kilogram of weight. In the case of kittens, it is especially important to do this not by eye, but in strict accordance with the instructions for the drug.
- For air transport. This applies to adult cats. You may encounter restrictions on bringing pets in the cabin. For example, the allowable weight of a pet together with the carrier can be no more than 8 kg, otherwise the pet will fly in the cargo hold. Therefore, it is important to determine the weight of the cat in advance in order to avoid unnecessary stress.
How to weigh a kitten yourself?
It makes sense to weigh newborn kittens only when prescribed by a veterinarian. For weighing grown kittens, it is convenient to use a kitchen scale. The most popular is joint weighing on floor scales. To do this, you must first weigh yourself, and then do the same with the cat in your hands. Then subtract your own from the total weight.
15 2017 June
Updated: December 21, 2017