How many years do cows of different breeds live and average life expectancy
In India, cows are considered a sacred animal. That is why many people protect them like the apple of their eye. This leads to a significant increase in the life expectancy of these animals – up to 35-40 years. In India, unlike other countries of the world, the cow is protected not only because it is sacred, but also because of the large income that it brings to the owners.
For some countries, the same is true: those animals that can generate income eat tasty food, are taken to veterinarians in case of dangerous diseases that they could potentially have. There is nothing surprising in the fact that cows in India and a number of other countries live so long. Let’s find out in more detail what factors affect the life expectancy of cows in different countries and different breeds. After all, these indicators can be drastically different.
Average life expectancy
It is important to understand that no average data can provide detailed information. After all, a cow is the same animal as a dog or a cat. Therefore, first of all, the conditions in which the animal lives play a role. In general, statistics say that a cow lives on average 20-30 years. But this does not apply to all representatives of this family. You must understand that a cow can die at any moment, including the most inconvenient one.
Given all this, it is impossible to give a definite answer. One thing is known for sure: cows live much better in places remote from the benefits of civilization – the closer to nature the better. So the best locations where you can create a beef or milk farm are a village, a village and a town. Moreover, it is important to take into account another indicator. The farther they are from the city, especially megacities, the better. After all, you can agree that in settlements close to the city, life is not at all the same for people. And not only them, as it turns out. This also applies to cows.
What you need to know to understand how many years a cow lives?
- Breed is an important indicator. It will be discussed further in the future. Some breeds are long-lived, able to live for forty years, while others have lived at least ten.
- Place of residence. It has already been found out that it is best in this aspect to breed cows in villages and villageslocated away from major cities.
- Country. This is a very important indicator that affects how many years a cow lives for a number of indicators: the mentality of citizens, climatic conditions, the style of raising and breeding animals, the nature of milk or beef production, and so on.
Let’s take a closer look at how the life expectancy of cows differs by country.
Life expectancy by country
As it is already clear, the country plays a very important role in development processes and how many years animals live. Let’s take a closer look at the average life expectancy of the most popular animals for milk production by country and what factors affect this parameter.
In Russia, cows live much less than average and even low rates. The average life expectancy of these animals in our country is only 6-7 years, after which they die. And the reason for this is a completely indifferent attitude towards this animal. After all, in our latitudes cows make business: they are sent to production factories, where they can live even less than these indicators.
Compared to other countries, they do not have this. Cows are rarely sent to factories, and their main location is farms. In Russia, there are tens of thousands of individuals in factories. Naturally, due attention will not be paid to animals. But they will be injected with various antibiotics and other chemicals, which will further reduce the number of years lived.
Israel. In this country, the average life expectancy of cows is 35-40 years due to proper care of this animal. Their good living conditions show the production scale of milk. Despite the lack of industry in this area, 160 thousand liters of milk are produced over the twelve years of its life. If you make simple calculations, then on average about 13 thousand liters are produced per year, which is a fairly large indicator.
At the same time, in the same America, milk is produced by 12 thousand liters more during the same reporting period. Naturally, on an annual scale, this is a rather small figure, but it still matters. At the same time, in America, the average life expectancy of cows is close to the average. It all depends on the county where the animal was raised. One may have more, the other may have less.
Here are just some of the countries that produce milk or beef. As you can see, despite the information war between Russia and America, the former has a lot to learn from the latter, because life expectancy far exceeds ours. However, not only the country in which the animal lives is important, but also its breed. Let’s look at how life expectancy varies depending on the breed.
Life expectancy in different breeds
Let’s look at the issue of life expectancy of different breeds of these animals. As a rule, it can differ significantly. And since in assessing the degree of life expectancy of milk-bearing animals need to take a holistic approach, then data on which breeds live for how long can be not only interesting, but also useful. Let’s take a closer look at this topic.
Dairy cows, as a rule, live less than their counterparts by about 3-5 years, depending on the conditions of care and living. It is important to understand that they do not bring milk all their lives. If they are in an important pre-death age stage, then they only bring in change. Old cows eat a lot, sleep and take up space. An animal can be loved, but from a commercial point of view it looks wrong.
It is much better to put an old cow to meat. This will benefit both the animal and the owner, who will make a profit from the sale of beef, and the cow benefits from the fact that the person who wants to put her to meat deprives her of her death throes. It turns out that the cow will not suffer. In general, this is a rational step, beneficial for both parties.
Those cows that go for meat can sometimes live 3-5 years longer than those used for milk. The point is that constantly milk production is an energy intensive process for an animal. Also complicating the situation is the fact that the ducts of the animal’s mammary glands can become clogged with stagnant milk, and this leads to a number of complications that can even end in premature death. And the more milk an animal produces, the higher this probability.
The most expensive cow lives in Canada. Its cost is 1,2 million dollars. Representatives of the Holstein breed are quite profitable commercially and can bring a lot of money. But it ends with the fact that such animals, as a rule, do not live very long. It is impossible to say for sure, but death can come suddenly at the most favorable moment.
No matter what breed of cow, in which country she lives, can affect the lifespan of this animaleven if you keep it for milk. It is enough just to follow all the requirements for care and you can see the result. Naturally, in our country, the environment is not very good, but it is very important to understand that not only it affects the life of any animal.
The issue of ecology was not considered due to its complexity. Even scientists cannot really predict the life of any living creature, based on data on ecology. But it still has its share of influence, even if it is impossible to measure it in full. But, even if the environment is bad, it all depends on the farmerwho breeds these animals. If he tries:
- will provide good food;
- regularly milk according to the needs of the carrier of milk;
- will protect him in every possible way,
then the cow can live long enough. And this fact must be understood.