How many times a day should you feed your cat?

How many times a day should you feed your cat?

How many times a day should you feed your cat?

Call of the Ancestors

As a rule, representatives of the feline family are solitary hunters who choose small animals as victims. Often their prey is rodents and birds. Hence the characteristic diet – in small portions, but often.

The fact that the cat’s body is adapted precisely to such a regime is also evidenced by its physiological features: the walls of the cat’s stomach have a weak extensibility and are not adapted to receive significant amounts of food. This is also a legacy of the hunting habits of the ancestor.

In view of the above, it is advisable for the owner to ensure that his pet always has food in the bowl.

If you feed a cat like a dog, once or twice a day in large portions, then this threatens the animal with weight gain and digestive problems.

Main rules

So, the basic rule of feeding a cat is that she should always have access to food. To comply with this rule, the owner must ensure the constant availability dry diet in the pet’s bowl. A cat can approach her up to 20 times a day, and, unlike dogs, even at night. The recommended serving size is usually indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

The second rule is to combine dry food with wet food. The last cat should get one by one sachet (pouch) in the morning and in the evening. Only in this way can it be provided with a completely balanced and healthy diet.

The third equally important rule is to ensure that there is always a sufficient amount of fresh and clean water in the drinking container.

October 18 2017

Updated: July 24, 2018

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