How long does a goldfish live – how can a person affect it
Fish belong to one of the most ancient groups of vertebrates. This species is over 300 million years old. They are adapted to life in a variety of water bodies throughout the Earth. This means a huge variety of fish species.
Since ancient times, people have sought to tame various animals and use them for their own purposes. Fish are no exception.
There are whole fish farmswhere fish are grown in artificial conditions and then sold. But fish is not only human food. For many, these scaly creatures become beloved pets and best friends. At home, most often contain exotic species of fish. Outwardly, they are very bright, beautiful and unusual. But they are all warm water and do not tolerate temperatures below 20 degrees.
Aquarium fish have already fully adapted to life in an aquarium. They can even breed in such conditions. But a person needs to try very hard to create an environment close to natural. In addition, for each species of fish, this situation is individual. Feed should also be given special attention. How many varieties of complementary foods exist now! Choose a varied and balanced diet. And only if all these conditions are met, aquarium fish will grow to the right size and acquire their characteristic color.
Relationships of fish
Before purchasing different aquarium fish, find out about their compatibility. The fish should be about the same size. Otherwise, the larger ones will eat the smaller ones. Aggressive fish should live separately from others, or together with larger species. Sedentary and active fish species are also incompatible.
Many people hesitate to get pets because of their short lifespan. And unfortunately, fish don’t live forever either. But their maximum possible age depends solely on the person.
So how long do aquarium fish live? And what determines their lifespan?
First of all, the type of fish becomes a decisive factor. More often the maximum age depends on the size. small fish live no more than 5 years, larger fish – about 10 years, and very large individuals can outlive their owner.
Each owner of aquarium fish tries to grow the maximum number of fry. In the wild, natural selection is constantly taking place: weak and sick fry never survive. In artificial conditions, everything is different. Even the weakest representatives of the species have a chance to exist. Therefore, you should not be particularly surprised to find the corpse of a fish in a well-groomed aquarium. This means that she was weak and unable to live. But still worth it check water temperature and presence of infection.
- A serious influence on the transience of fish life is temperature dependence. Their metabolic rate is directly dependent on the temperature of the water. The higher it is, the faster the metabolic processes occur in fish. And it turns out that the fish lives its life at an increased speed.
- Improper feeding negatively affects life span. Overfeeding causes the greatest harm. But underfeeding also causes a serious lack of energy.
- A rare change of water also does not entail positive consequences. In the habitat of fish, various parasites and bacteria develop, which cause serious diseases.
- If there are too many fish in the aquarium and they are cramped and uncomfortable, such a population will not end in anything good.
- In artificially created conditions, only a man can affect how long aquarium fish live.
- You need to have enough information about your pets. Each type of fish has its own requirements for living conditions.
A popular inhabitant of aquariums is a goldfish.
It would be useful to raise the question of how long goldfish live. Someone claims that they do not live up to 5 years. Others talk about goldfish surviving and up to 20 years. So, it’s all about proper care for scaly pets.
Goldfish are not called goldfish for nothing. They need careful care and comfortable conditions.
- One fish needs at least 50 liters of water.
- Goldfish love to dig into the pebbles at the bottom. Carefully choose stones – they should be round, without sharp edges.
- Plants for an aquarium with goldfish should be with large leaves. On small ones, the dirt raised by the fish from the bottom soil will settle.
- The water temperature should vary depending on the season. In winter, it is lowered – 16 degrees. Then it should be gradually increased, bringing in the summer to a maximum mark of 24 degrees.
- Everyone has long known about the need for a filter in the water. Oxygen saturation is plentiful. Acidity for golden pets is about 7.
How much food do they need?
Goldfish one of the most greedy creatures. They always remain hungry, no matter how much they eat. But you can’t give in to their entreaties. Frequent feeding causes disease. One or two times a day for feeding will be enough. Portions should not be large.
For goldfish, live food and plant foods are preferred, sometimes dry food can also be pampered. Live food should be bought frozen, this is the only way to avoid various infections. Experts advise feeding with cereal porridges boiled in water without salt.
If you follow the feeding regimen for a long time, goldfish will be able to survive even a two-week hunger strike (for example, if you go on vacation).
The main thing is to take care of your beloved pets! If you love them with all your heart and take care of them, you will be able to experience how long aquarium fish live. And you will be surprised how long and happy their life can be!