How long do parrots live at home?

How long do parrots live at home?

When making a feathered talking friend, you want to know in advance how long domestic parrots live. Most often, wavy chirps are purchased home. Such bright birds will bring joy for many years.

However, in addition to budgerigars, a cockatiel, jaco, or even a macaw are acquired as pets. Incredibly beautiful birds with character. Not everyone can find an approach to them. However, you have years to tame. After all, some birds live longer than cats or dogs.

How long do domestic parrots live

How long do parrots live at home?
Parrots need communication. It’s better for them to live as a couple, so as not to grieve in a cage

How long do domestic budgerigars live

Bright feathered chirps of small size. Therefore, they do not need a huge cage, but space is needed. Any bird that nature is supposed to fly needs to “knead” its wings. Do not think that the bird will live with you for another year, and you do not need to spend money on arranging its cage.

Budgerigars live for about ten years, but there are also centenarians who are able to play repeat games with you for two decades. Agree, not every dog ​​will be able to live so long next to you, even if you carefully look after her. Much depends on the subspecies of the pet, the conditions of detention, the balance of the bird’s “menu” and the general situation in the house. If the apartment has “hellish conditions”, then the budgerigar will not last a couple of years. If you try and provide your winged friend with the best conditions, then he can please you with his chirping for fifteen years.

Do you know how long medium-sized budgerigars live? These birds can live for three decades! The larger the bird, the longer they live. Even at home. Some especially large individuals can live up to 50 years, but these are far from the pets that are full in the markets and pet stores. These “kids” will be able to talk with you under the same roof for only a decade and a half.

How long do parrots live at home?

How long does a cockatiel parrot live

If we compare how long Corella parrots live compared to wavy parrots, then the difference is huge. Corella can live up to thirty years, and the minimum life threshold (in ideal conditions of detention) is 15 years.

How long do lovebird parrots live

Lovebirds, on a couple with a person, can twitter up to 35 years, although on average it is only two dozen.

How long does a macaw parrot live

Macaws are one of the longest living pet parrots. The duration of their life at home sometimes reaches up to four decades! But there were also those who lived next to a person for more than half a century.

How long does a cockatoo live

Such a bright parrot should not feel sad. Chat with him

Here opinion diverges. For example, pink and yellow-crested can live up to 50 years, white-crested up to 70, Moluccan even 80 years can live in captivity. Still those centenarians. There is a huge amount of documentary evidence that the cockatoo has been a human companion for more than 63 years. It’s amazing how many parrots live at home.

How long does a parrot live

But these are the real record holders. They can live at home for a century! This pet will be inherited. Because he will outlive many. But that’s with good care.

How many years do parrots live in the wild

How long do parrots live at home?
In the wild, parrots do not live so sweetly. The world is full of danger

It’s funny that budgerigars live longer at home than in the wild. Wild birds rarely live up to 8 years. The average number of years lived by them is from four to six. Such a short life expectancy is connected not only with the fact that the external environment is not so favorable. Either the humidity is high, or it is windy, or it is hot, or the predator will catch.

What can shorten the life of a parrot

It is not enough to know how long budgerigars live, if you do not have an idea what shortens their life.

How long do parrots live at home?
Before you get a parrot, think about whether you can provide it with everything necessary for a happy life in captivity?
  1. Small cell. It is necessary not only for living, but also for flying on it. Agree, it is much more convenient for you to move around a spacious room than 2 square meters. In addition, the pet should be allowed to fly around the house, having previously closed all windows and doors tightly. A little movement around the airy space of the room will not harm the feathered talker.
  2. drafts. They don’t benefit anyone. Drafts can cause pneumonia. At best, a cold.
  3. Direct sunlight. No, this does not mean that the parrot must be kept in the dark. Just don’t put it on a window where the sun beats down and doesn’t let your pet hide. In addition, do not forget that in nature the sun sets and rises. Therefore, do not knock down the biological clock of your twitterer. Don’t forget to cover it with a thick cloth. And follow the routine. You need to arrange a “day-night” for the bird at the same hours.
  4. The location of the cell in the kitchen. It’s very hot and humid there. This is detrimental to the parrot. In addition, household appliances must be placed away from the parrot. And the TV should be far away. Noise and radiation will interfere with the life of a feathered pet.
  5. Bad air. Cigarette smoke, burning, steam, smoke, pungent odors and even incense (even from candles, even from an aroma lamp).
  6. Bad content. An unbalanced diet causes a reduction in the life expectancy of a parrot. Because of this, a huge number of diseases arise, including metabolic disorders (metabolism).

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