How is the mating of cats?
Pregnancy and Labour

How is the mating of cats?

Cats are bred on the 2nd or 3rd day of estrus, because during this period, called oestrus, ovulation occurs and fertilization is possible. At this stage of estrus, the cat does not just purr and become affectionate, she literally screams, beckoning the cat. If the female is touched, she falls on her paws, takes her tail away, she may experience contractions of the back muscles.

Territory of mating

It is customary to mate in a familiar environment for a cat, so the cat is transported to the house of the cat’s owners. As a rule, the animals stay together for two to three days, so it is advisable to bring a litter tray, water and food bowls, and your favorite food.

Mating can take place both in a small aviary and in a room, depending on the living conditions of the owner of the cat. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with them at the stage of choosing a future partner in order to avoid unexpected and unpleasant surprises.

It is important that there are no breakable objects in the room in the form of pots, vases and framed photographs. Sometimes cats can behave quite actively. It is also desirable to protect the space behind the sofa, under the bed, behind the cabinets – all hard-to-reach places.

Acquaintance of partners

As a rule, a cat gets lost in a foreign territory and at first is afraid to get out of the carrier. Do not pull it out by force, let it get used to it and come out of hiding on its own. After some time, when the female sniffs the territory, you can run the cat into the room.

Acquaintance of cats may not occur in the most peaceful mood: partners can hiss at each other, bite and fight. You don’t have to worry, it’s normal. The cat chooses behavior depending on the nature of the cat and eventually finds an approach to it.


Cat mating lasts for several seconds, ending with a hiss and an attempt by the cat to hit the partner. After that, the animals come to their senses, the female licks herself and rolls on the floor.

Knitting occurs repeatedly and can be repeated up to 15 times a day.

Knitting problems

It happens that mating does not go as smoothly as we would like. The reasons may be different:

  • The sizes of the cats do not correspond to each other. There are times when a cat is much larger than a cat, and he does not manage to get close to her;

  • The cat won’t let the cat. This does not happen so rarely, the solution to the problem will be to find another partner. But sometimes mating still happens when the cat is better at home in the apartment.

Upon completion of mating, the cat must be brought home, providing the animal with peace and rest. For another two or three days, she may experience signs of estrus, but they will pass as soon as the body realizes the current pregnancy. If the animals were aggressive enough, inspect the pets for deep bites and scratches, treat them with an antiseptic. If everything went well, in about three weeks the first signs of the cat’s pregnancy will appear – this is a signal that preparations for childbirth have begun.

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